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Now that you've started dancing, don't stop the music.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 8:53 PM

todae, i went to kfc with a couple of friends so called Andy, Yong Zhi,(whom i made him feel pissed off) Wathana, Jordi,(gee gee), Royston,(our DAI) Royston's friend and Susmita. We ate, then went to sky garden cos that Royston, oh, gosh, needed his JUNIORS' help for a card making thing holding us up for more than an 1h but it was fun to help him and he kept getting calls from his fwens cos of minor things. finally the whole thing was done and finished. Then, we saw a woman making a circle at the interchange screaming'AH!AH!AH!' We so shocked cos we thought she was retarded but i guess that that is how people let off their steam, while i do mine by tossing things and screaming softly. i dunnoe how i do that...in school, we had to learn how to use our DRUM-sticks. we were quit noisy and violent that two of my classmates, Kesinee and Wathana broke them. OOHHH... Haha. voilent sia. lol. And the day ended with Sumita and I coming back home, acting like were some proffesionals. i guess i have to end here. Peace.

Monday, January 26, 2009 @ 5:08 PM

ok, hi everyone. this time, it is a new blogger here. eriel was helping me blog since i was new to it.(its never too late to learn something i m still learning how to get tears out of my eyes when i want to.) my name is krisma and how eriel and i are related huh? we are long-lost best fwens! juz a yr ago, we were fwens, then we werent due to a amjor misunderstanding or something, but now the situation is as right as rain now. but now, we are back to being the besties u could ever imagine.
abt me...
i m an average school teen girl who goes ga-ga when a handsome guy passes by, i eat, sleep, do anything an average schoolgirl could do. like hanging out, losing my temper when the right time comes,(or others might think i m some kinda retard.anyw, u wanna know more abt the hyper me, add me at:krisma_076@hotmail.com!
what i like to do...
i like to chat with my fwens be it online or personally talking to each other and of course, the world;s most known fer communication: SMS!!!!! my mom finds it inconvenient and always says: KRISMA!??!!! WHY DUNT U USE UR MOUTH OR EARS WHEN U HAB THEM? WHY SMS ? U MUTE ISIT? i mean, we are officially in the yr 2009 where everything isnt wat parents used to do, find a kampong chicken here or there. but i dunt blame my family because i love them to the skies above. and i mean it.
i think i will tell you more tomorrow, cos i m dead beat rght now.

@ 3:59 PM

I sincerely hope you LIKE no, LOVE your new blog krima!
haha, if you can, update it!!!
while i figure out how to teach you to MASTER blogger,
ask for my help when you need it!(:


3E2'11, FTPSS!
KSK <3



Pak Bom Mariana!
Charmaine Y(E)O!


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