Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 8:53 PM

todae, i went to kfc with a couple of friends so called Andy, Yong Zhi,(whom i made him feel pissed off) Wathana, Jordi,(gee gee), Royston,(our DAI) Royston's friend and Susmita. We ate, then went to sky garden cos that Royston, oh, gosh, needed his JUNIORS' help for a card making thing holding us up for more than an 1h but it was fun to help him and he kept getting calls from his fwens cos of minor things. finally the whole thing was done and finished. Then, we saw a woman making a circle at the interchange screaming'AH!AH!AH!' We so shocked cos we thought she was retarded but i guess that that is how people let off their steam, while i do mine by tossing things and screaming softly. i dunnoe how i do school, we had to learn how to use our DRUM-sticks. we were quit noisy and violent that two of my classmates, Kesinee and Wathana broke them. OOHHH... Haha. voilent sia. lol. And the day ended with Sumita and I coming back home, acting like were some proffesionals. i guess i have to end here. Peace.