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Now that you've started dancing, don't stop the music.
Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 8:57 PM

yeh, i know that I already told u about that splash thingy but I still have lots to tell yuo about that little Island Hopping thingthat we had to go on.Anyway, we were happily taking pictures with friends and as you can see we all were so excited, including Mdm Wong, cos she appeared in this picture. Look behind!!! Ok, right now, I am talking to Kesinee who happened to have agroup conversation with her primary school friends whom I dont even know. All of us were looking forward to the boat ride,(except me. I'm sea-sick.) and of course, such stupid things had to happen like SPLASH!!

Zooming in to another picture which is with my friends and my so called brother(I regard him as one!) If you look behind the girl next to the extreme right, there you have it, a guy called Syukri, my friend, Susmita's classmate. I dunnoe wat he was doing there, mending his glasses or adjusting them to take a better look at the camera lens. Hahah, don' be angry Syukri! The day ended all being hungry and tired because we ke=ate junk food and nothing else. Everybody was busy eating to realise Iwas taking their pictures. Aha.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 7:35 PM

Todae was a freaking dae due the freaking trs who had made me feel so pissed off, I could literally feel the hotness. lol. I decided to change my course to the roller-blading one but the day before, I had injured my leg, a small skin tear but as painful as anything. So I decided I had to transfer back to my normal course which was foot-drill.But I didn't get to transfer back so fast because in every problem, there's always someone to make it harder for you. Well, in this case, it was a teacher, but even though she made it hard for me, it was also hard for her but she ended all the fustration. But I know, I am also partly to blame, why did I transfer? But of course, niw I am back on my normal feet, marching and turning, and doing all the thing I have to do in foot-drill. I don't know much about foot-drill except marching and turning the wrong sides but I agree, it is fun becuse our coaches are there to make it fun for us, especially Fadley. He is the one that keeps us laughing throughout the tough marching with fun endurance. Why we're doing this is becuse we are gonna perform for Annual Speech Day, and oh, guess who's coming. The teachers always say. It's Toa Paoyoh's MP!!! I mean, students only go for Avril Lavinge, Click 5 and stuff like that, but atleast for once the students decided we had to clap so that the teachers would stop mentioning the MP's name, which I can't seem to remember. Anyway, I'm not going to go on bragging and exaggerating like what the teachers did and finish this post!

Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Today was a hell of a day. We had to go to two islands cos' of total defence day. What the #*@$ does it have to do with total defence day?(I spoke vulgarity due to my mood swings.) As we were boarding the ferry, we heard a loud splash and saw that one of my classmates, Affi, had fallen into the water. We were quite shocked but Affi was more shocked and he was completely drenched, and even his cute, old-fashioned phone got wet.(Noo...) Two guys from a different class, Syukri and Hazik, took care of him. Haha. We were so fed up that all we did was take pictures of ourselves and eat. We all had to wear the life jackets all aroound, even on LAND!!! The island won't sink right?! Affi dropped due to different circumstances. We all came back to school, ate out, fought with my big brother, helped friend choose present for her bf and took it to her house. But when he aw us, he ran away, asking his friend to give the present to Kanchan and she was so touched she nearly cried. LOL. It's just that I never experienced getting a Valentines day gift before. Anyway, I went home, MAKAN MAKAN then I am here, now, blogging on the dumb computer.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 9:59 PM

Happy Valentines dae, Happy Birthdae to Eriel my best friend and my best friend, Nischal's father's birthday!

So today was a confusing day as I did not know which occasion to celebrate. But in the end, I went to Eriel's birhtday, couldn't miss it for the world!! So it was a long distance, cos her house was in Bedok and I lived in Joo Seng Road, which apparently makes each of us quite far apart, but we can still meet what. First, we played in Eriel's room and the whole room was polluted with music, prank-callers, singers, a really CUTE little dog called Sugareh and he looked quite fake to me but itwas so cute and it just kept licking me and I was like wth?! Saliva on my face!!! But atleast it was cute and itwas a special day, so I let it off, or I would have been sentenced for animal abuse. Haha. Anyway, we had quite fun until we prank-called Jaslyn Moh, and I said that I was Inspector Genevieve Lim and she had been called for further investigations in a case of robbery and hoped that she would talk to my boss, Superindent, something something. Then she asked us who we were, so we said this is the police station calling and that gullible Jaslyn Moh gave the phone to her mother and so we quickly hanged up the phone and burst out in laughter then her mother keep calling us back, so we told a lie that it wasn't us. Then she was like ok. The day ended with all of us hugging Eriel and went home.

Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 8:21 PM

Another boring dae in school. I mean whats new? SUDYING, SLACKING, FALLING ASLEEP IN CLASS. And, if I were Obama, I would advise everyone, there's more to life than just to STUDY!!! Like duh. But in school, there's always one or two problems arousing. One of them is love in my school, and my friends always ask me for advice. Now, it's always about the girl likes the guy but the guy doesn't know. So I tell them it is best for them to admit to the guy but they just don't have the courage to face up to reality, which is obviously unlike me, all advices I give to them are real-lifed experienced advices. So don't blame me if they don't work. Anyw, Iwish myself good luck in finding myself something to do in boring lessons, giving good advices(haha), and of course, I want to wish my friend, Eriel, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Oh ya, and everyone out there,
happy valentines dae!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 10:01 PM

Today was a freaking but fun day. OAC were holding some activities for us. We were like OK! But in the end, all our thighs were like wobbly.My senior, Melvin, Ithink he's gay. OK, I am not so bad. It's just that he acts like one, and we are trying to kick that habit. The air rifle teams were like outside, playing monker bars. We were like What are they doing outside in the basketball court? I shouted, Shooting birds! We were like screaming like mad when it came to the part of cheering for our team members. Seniors were our obstacles!!! but the day ended all getting wet cos the SENIors USED WATER-GUNS to shoot water at us! Continue tomorrow, bye!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Today was a fun day but I was somehow pissed off by some people. Today o many things happened I dont know where to start. Hmm, okay, here's one. While a lot of us were playing so hard against the bunch of monkeys in 1T1, who were also some the people whom had totally pissed me off, five girls were tea-partying at the corner of the goalpost. But i dont mind because girls hate playing rough games unlike me, whose kinda rough. Haha. And I decided to be the goal-keeper for a while but ended up getting out cos I actually missed the defending part where you hab to prevent the ball from reaching the net. Oh ya, and of course, there is still the worse to come. It was time to SLACK! Everyone went there first, but ended up fighting for the tables and chairs. Like What The Hell?! Or should i say people fighting for the rights of their gender. Haha. But when it was time for the form lesson part, we were all kinda pissed off cos we got scolded by our teachers who were like, You all 1E1.Show example to the other classes and bagan to spin a lecture about how well other classes could bahave while you all cant.
Students in deep thoughts: Guess who gives a shyt.
While everyone was busy listening to the La-La-Land stories that I bet were fake, I began torecord the the class getting punished or some of the students. Guess who gives a shyt. Ooh, but my phone dropped and Iwas ike WTF!??!! Anyway, Ibelieve I was overreacting . Haha. Anyway, my hands are all damaged due to the extension of everyone's number of pull-ups. Then that Yong Zhi forgot to take his file then I had to tke it for him. WTF. Then Jordi's bag was stained with curry sauce and the other three boys didn't wait for him then we called Wattana and started to tell him off, but not in real person cos he is very innocent and cute looking and that is his only weapon. Haha. Next to come in is the prank call we gave to ANDY!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Then Isaid I was Susmita's older sister and he believed that. Then we told him that u wanna talk to our mom, then he like WHY? But after a few minutes, he realised that I was not Susmita's sister, but his classmate,Krisma. :D So he is not as blur as he looks. :D Haha, Andy, if you ever read this, no offence. Erm , thats all, rite? Sayonara.


3E2'11, FTPSS!
KSK <3



Pak Bom Mariana!
Charmaine Y(E)O!


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