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Now that you've started dancing, don't stop the music.
Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 10:11 PM

O the M the G. Guess what is coming up people, yo!
JUNE HOLIDAYSS!!! So many events coming up: hiking, jurong splash, picnic at East Coast with friends, birthdays, camps and not to forget to mention, tiring but woohoo trainings of rock-climbing, yo! Oh crap, forgot to call Nischal for almost a decade! Guess I better did that now. Wonder if she'll pick up. Oh, anyways, yesterday was flag day and my group slit up to different spots. So, Bethia and me, two hyper asses, instead of asking for donation to the public, we went to MacDonalds to eat breakfast. After a while, we went to collect some money and we were pretty lucky cos' we were having quite a lot of kind souls who donated a lot. But I had to tell this to some of my blog-viewers out there, thre was this silly guy, wearing spectacles and swinging his umbrella to and fro. When we approached him, instead of what the other people who did not want to donate did, he acted blind out of the blue! WTH! Was that supposed to be an attitude problem? But I don't really care nor do I give a shit about people like them. Thi world is not perfect anyways. Just finished watching Camp Rock since there's nothing better to watch on tv anyway. But I did enjoy it since it was like a sing-along. Anything concerns music concerns me! Hahaha. Ok ok people yo, happy June holidays! No stress or work, just play play! Phua Chu Kang also go for holiday already I guess.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 10:32 PM

Yes people, it's storytime. Let me tell you a story about a teenager who could probably have the most unluckiest life you could ever think of! This is the list of UNLUCKY things that had happened to her.

Had to stay out of house for atleast ten minutes. Was so goddamn pissed off. Everyone was staring and I felt like poking them out. Then when the getting in my house, the security guard said to remember to bring my house permit next time, and I told him not long ago that my whole wallet was stolen. Hello, I think he needs hearing aids in my opinion. Currently having the elders party. Damn boring. So I decided to writ this bloody entry.

I curse the bloody person who took my wallet becausae he/she has caused so much problems. Today bowling lessons finished. Quite sad, but we had to go la, like DUH.

Ok, like whatever shit, I have so much more to do..

~The End~


Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 10:26 PM

And this is ON52NITE a.k.a: Obscene News 5 2Nite.

And this is Krisma Fox reporting. No la, jk jk. Ltr Cheryl Fox got problem kana angry with me.

Anyways, back to the primetime news. New pandemic disease's first case has been confirmed. Nope, it's not H1N1, anyone else who's not a complete retard? Yes, that nerdy moron at the back seat, may I know what that disease is?

NM: It's H1Z1, ma'am.

Thank you, but I am not a ma'am. Go find and old woman and call her that. It is a disease which causes very strange things which affects both your physical and mental behaviour.

Serious symptoms:

@ 10:03 PM

Today was quite a fun day. Tell you what. Pay me 50 bucks and I'll tell you why. Neh, jk. Not a money-face like some ppl.
Susmita, Kanchan, Bethia and I a bunch of people with no life, from Toa Payoh, ran off to Bugis. Muahahaha. We went there just to neo-print. What can you say? We're just a bunch of morons who have nothing better to do. Anyways, back to the Bugis thingy. We were like WOAH. because we went to a neo-print shop which is way different from the other one we used, so we were having a lot of fun, basically too much fun until everyone stared at us like we were a bunch of clowns or something. We're not, ok. We are students fom FTPSS! Forget that bullcrap. Kanchan was walking in front of me and BOY was she slow. When we were entering the MRT, OMG. Inearly died.
The MRT door nearly squeezed me. I was so scared I pushed Kanchan like never before. Haha, neh, joking. I'm not that violent. It could end up as a court case. Were about to eat at the KFC but of course, Ms Fussy Wussy Susmita, my deongsangnim, thought the place was too crowded and we went back to Toa Payoh just to eat. See what morons can do to such extents to prove they're stupid. But don't think I'm stupid ok, I'm smart.(alec) NEH!
Anyways, that Kanchan had to lose her freaking neo-prints and in the end, Susmita and I gave her three or four peices of our share, nothing MORE. It turned out that that stupid bull had taken all the nice ones and she lost it, so we ended with the dumb neo-prints.. Yes ppl, you learnt something today, never be greedy! NO OFFENCE to Kanchan.
Ever since Susmita got a very hard hit on her face twice, Susmita has a phobia of balls.(No dirty thoughts pls.) Just bounce a ball behind her and she will duck her head as once as though there is gonna be a bomb war or something. Hopefully not. And she passed the holy disease to me. I dunnoe how, only the person above knows. The big brothers were playing basketball that was so rough that I was so scared of thrm. They are damn tall ok. Susmita and I kept running away when they were moving towards us. We were using half of the court. PATHETIC.
Tomorrow ia Art exam and here I am slacking like as though there is no tomorrow. Nvm, I'll just draw one freaking sunflower and pass it to teacher. anyway, no matter what, she gives so liitle marks. She's driving me to my grave before she goes. Anyway, wishing myself good luck.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @ 1:38 PM

This is too a-vexing. I mean wth. My back so pain right now but got more problems coming up like exams, problems between friends, though it doesn't concern me, I'm helping ok, not being KPO and oh ya, still need to finish watching boys over flowers!!! Save enough money buy english to korean book, buy boys over flowers cd, go to the southern part of Korea. Must say Southern part or a dumbass and say why cannot say Southern but must say South like my friend did. Then what should I say? Because my father say so ah? Walau, she trying to make life difficult for me or what. K, let's change the bloody subject. But dunnoe what to talk about. I shall update on this blog once I have something better to talk about.

Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Today, a very big day to all mothers out there! Including my also like DUH! I think I did a very lame thing for Mother's Day. I mean I haven't even done it yet. I'm just gonna givew her one bloody and stupid card dunnoe where the hell it's gonna land. It's quite lame. Haha, I even wrote 'Sarangheyo' on it in Korean. Ouff. I have yet to give her the card. Later having dinner with my whole family, including an uncle my pops(as in dad) is bringing home. And yes, I am checking out Tagged again, three days in a row. When the hell is mid-year and where the hell it hurts to study. Well, I have to say that it hurts my brains, my eyes, my hands and my FINGERS!!!! I probably think you don't understand a shit I'm talking about. Neither do I.

Actually I do. Well today Jenny's been giving me a bad day but actually I seriously don't give a shit because she talks crap all the time but it's not often that we both always having fun together because nowadays she is really getting on to my nerves. won't tell you how she's doing that but sometimes it's real irritating. Just hopes she stops it before it really pisses me off. I can't control my anger. So even though she's irritating, I still treat her as a friend I don't know why.

So right now I'm wating for my pops to appear at home with a suitcase filled with things from Australia. Can't wait. He said he bought me a storybbok. It's quite common of him to buy me storybooks because he knows I'm an asshole who does'nt know how much a normal person reads a day. My mom says that the shirt I'm wearing sucks but it's my favourite ok, but she says 'NO' to I wearing that, especially when there is a male guest. I don't give a shit. I can just stay in my stupid bloody room with the lights off and sleep. What's wrong with wearing your favourite night shirt huh.

Questions to ask people who know the magical answers:

1. Why doesn't my favourite actors and actresses know me?

2. Why do I have so much e-mails?

3. Why do I have so many friends but I think none of them like me?

4. This is real frustrating, is this the way to spell frustrating?

5. Why can't I be rich and famous?

6. Why do I only get $4 for pocket money a day? I mean that's hardly enough money especially during and economy downturn like this.

So many questions lo behold but I forgot all of them when I start to think of it.

Today the police patrolling near our play'spot' confiscated our ball because Sasi's mother threw it down so that Sasi didn't have to go up to her house and get it. But lo behold, the stupid police also known as ps caught the scene and comfiscated the ball. But of course we plaeaded with them with our cute little faces until he gave it back to us. Then he also asked us some questions. He asked Srijana and Shanti if they were sisters because they were wearing a same colured shirt. Then they both said no. Then the ps said maybe they are. Both are wearing red what. Then Srijana asked uncle, you both are wearing same clothes. Does that make you both brothers? The uncles were out-talked and we kept laughing till we reached our real play-spot.


Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Today was freaking Science day and thanks to that freaking paper, my whole day kana corrupted. The first paper was super-dee-duper easy so we were all confident when we turn the first page I think I nearly fall off chair lor. I did'nt even know how to do the first question how to survive the whole paper. So I o some strange magic on the paper and went to sleep. Haha. How's that? But if you caught then I dunnoe la. But atleast people like Guang Rong can make my day. Let me show you how.
Haha, how cute is that now you may ask. Haha. This I think took place on today May 8 ok ok fine just let me shut up. Tomorrow have to wake up for the stupid Karate and Girl's Club meeting. This strange world.
Kk, nights readers! (NOT!*) Aha, got you, you idiot.

@ 11:44 PM

God knows how many papers have taken place and how many are left. Today there was no school due to Mother Tongue paper. I was like big deal. Tomorrow is damn maths paper 2. Luckily the maths paper 1 was easy. Not sure about paper 2. Oh well, guess I'll have to sit back and see.

Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 2:41 PM

Hahaha, a story of three girls in Girls Club wearing the clothes without the person's permission. How daring was that? But as you can probably see, there are only two girls cos the third girl only wore the clothes afterwards and she took e-m-o photos with her own phone. Kk, kiddeng. So here are a few pictures we took!

Oh, thanks Callista, for your compliment about my blog. haha.

Eh, yesterday. Was a freaky party. When everyone was outside watching movies, we were in the toilet. A few pictures we took!

Ok, next time show you more photos!

@ 2:15 PM

Ok, this is so not cool.
What shitty thing is wrong with me?
I keep wanting to go back to Nepal dudey. Like wth. There's only two possibilities that I might want to go back.
Hana: I am sick of Singapore and I want to escape from the torturous studying. I know, mom. Education is important. Forget it.
Dol: I'm missing Sam and Nischal a little bit too much. :D: (Laugh or cry?)

Ok, let's not drool on the bad side but on the good side. Today is my other bestie, Manika's birhtday. Like woohoo. -.- Been stuffing a bit too much buffet in my mouth lately. (Like only twice.)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ,7 ,8 ,9, 10. W hat to say? Like I said, you wasted 10 seconds of your life. What else more better than reading my crap could you do in this time? Like read somethimg else better!) URGH.

@ 12:27 AM

ok, WTH. What date is it supposed to be today? Probably some stupid idiot brainwashed me. AGAIN. Ok cut the crap. Today could just be the worst day ever. Ouff. It's the case of pandemic flu. AGAIN. Taking temperature like as though people like us so free. I don't care if I die also. People with no life like me die also no difference to society. Jk. I very important to society. (Dunnoe in what way la.)
Mid-year is coming and I am watching Boys Over Flowers as though I am smarter than Einstein. But I am more stupid than the most stupid person. WTH.
If you read the above, you've wasted 26 seconds of your life.
My wishes:
1. I want to do well in my studies so that I can earn enough money and not starve myself.
2. I want to earn enough money and settle in Korea. (This is not a joke, Confucious.)
3. Learn Korean till I can communicate with a Korean.
4. Stop irritating Kesinee. (Well, I never ask her get irritated?) NO OFFENCE.
5. Do well in my rock-climbing.(Because I suck at it.)
6. Stop getting angry fast because once I'm angry, I start speaking vulgarities.
8. Finish up watching Boys Over Flowers.(I don't care if mid-year's coming!!)
Ok, let's stop thw wish-list. It wasted my time.
Oh ya, this post is crap.


3E2'11, FTPSS!
KSK <3



Pak Bom Mariana!
Charmaine Y(E)O!


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