Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 10:05 PM
Today was training day and I was currently slacking until Corine asked me climb the contour wall!!! Yah, tried it and I nearly died there cos' I had no energy to continue as I had climbed 3 laps before. Yeh, good excuse.
Then, I went down to play after watching Taare Zameen Par. Sad, man. Who knew I could be so emotional, yo! Listening to I don't care by 2NE1. Boy, they are COOOL! Ya, today we played 'Line catching'. The game basically goes like these, the basketball has lots of confusing lines and we are only supposed to follow the outline and atch it other. Yeh, it was so hard to catch the dais but I did my best. Did feel bad cos' Prabesh dai gave me lots of chances but I didn't give him one. Boy, they are fast, especially that BUSTED Munneh. He was about to catch me and I told him to give me chance and he was like ok, go la. When I turned the other side, he quickly caught me but I ducked! Yeh, then eventually I ran out of line and I became the catcher. Dunnoe what they call catchers. They talk using such alien languages. Pasang or something, but who cares. Nepali me, proud to be. : D Then I bumped with Jenny, Susmita and Kanchan a lot of times including some of the dais. Hey, don't yu dare get the wrong idea, man! I am quite clumsy if you haven't realised. Yah, ok.
Happy belated delayed sweet sixteen, old hag,
On Friday, we had to do story-telling in front of whole school like what the eff la. Had to put on face paint as specs. Couldn't we just wear a damn pair specs instead of tarnishing your image!!!
But who cares, our group did awesome and yah, trophey came to the real Papas and Mamas!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 9:48 PM
Ok, it's been long since I posted!
Well, today, nothing much happened, except going to school. After that, Kanchan, Susmita, Khagen, Ambar and I went to watch Where Got Ghost and they thought it sucked but Susmita and I thought it was great because it was quite funny and Jack Neo movies are totally awesome in teaching us morals. E.g; There's a price to pay for every shortcut you take.
Do you think that living a healthy and peaceful life is a coincidence?
Little things you do not believe in may lead to big catastrophies.
Ok, whatever. I wanna watch G-force or The Proposal!!!
Yah, so I wasted like $6!!
Ok. Whatever. (I am second Jack Neo) What's done cannot be undone.
Haha, how true.
Goota go do my damn home econs coursework before I even watch another Jack Neo movie!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 10:52 PM
Ok, guess I didn't really post about my chalet, so I am gonna write it again. We were kayaking all the while. We slept at two and I, Yong Zhi, Affi and Uqbah were wide awake cos we were feeling so cold. Had to wake up at 5am for MORNING EXERCISE. Ya right, I could die of insomnia soon, yo. During kayaking, I and Uqbah vomitted like hell and thus, we failed our goddamn star one. We went to Vivo at night to have a dinner after eating maggi mee and 13 of us ate 4packets of hotdogs. So you can guess how hungry we were.
Monday went to Toa Payoh Entertainment Hub to wathc Where Got Ghost. Damn funny. Go watch, people!
@ 10:29 PM
Ok, today was CCA day and it was ropes all the way, and I do admit we slacked A LOT today, cos I think we would have been doing PT!!! Mr Loh was like so damn funny. Here goes the conversation. Something like this!
ML: Please la eh, people! You all borrow shoes from the OAC store which were actually what your seniors had donated for you and other people to use, but some of you just conveniently threw it away! For those who still have it, please, clean them, dry them, sun them whatever them. Don't give me until so smelly not even mosquito don't wanna come near it. I fyou do it, I'll shove one of the smelly shoe in your mouth, and the other in your asshole!
Then, made fun of Mrs Maaran, so did Mr Loh, ok.
But yeh, God saved us this time. I also played yo-yo all the time during lessons, came back home at about 7 pm?
Then, we went down to the court and just sat at the hut waiting for the holy sky to drop and thanks to Munna, he fixed my SO-OUT-OF-TUNE guitar and, boy, it sounded so much more pleasant, yo!
Then, we thanked him, whatever. Then, we counted how amyn times Prabesh and his friends fell down. Boy, Pandu has a hidden talent in him, man! His hand is damn fast!! Hahaha. Then, we went chai canteen to buy some snacks but there weren't any and Susmita wanted a treat, so maybe next time, dongseng! Then, I hit on Munneh's back and it sounded like a bomb was dropped my Hitler's army. Boy, I saw his face ad he was like, " Who did that?!" But of course, cI had already run away from the scene. Later sms-ed him and found out that he wasn't pissed off but shocked. 1 hit, 16 more to go!
Oh yeh, I was holy lucky cos I passed my Science for the first time! I had 20.5/40. Passed by 0.5 marks but I broke the record of someone like me actually passing my Science. Congratulations to Bethia who got A1 for her Chinese for the first time in her entire life.
Thats all, yo.
Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 8:24 AM
Ok, so here I am in the school library slacking. Btw, we are like so not even allowed to use other websites unless you have a valid and satisfying reason to persuade the librarian. But guess what, I'm using it now! Hahaha. Kanchan so cute sia. She now in the same room looking at my blog! Teehee, she doesn't seem to remember the tags that she made herself, yo!
Ok, nowadays, we don't really play basketbal with GWC, I don't know why, it doesn't evem how hard we try. Haha, lame me-o. Now is like MT exam and I really wish all my friends a goodie good paper. Hope what they studied came out! But wth, my class doesn't even study la, so what to do, just wish them good luck!
Yesterday was remedial and went all the way to interchange to MAKAN! Retarded, you may call us. Yeh, today we have more than 3 periods of slacking!!! MT and MT paper plus recess and later leaving school early due to CHALET!!! Boy, I am gonna miss Sticky and my sunbaes too. You know what I mean. Do not get the wrong idea, I *repeat*, do NOT get the wrong idea!!! Oh yeh, people, do remember to check out the Sticky blog!
How about some advice, GWC, why don't you people make one too! Hahaha.
As you all can see, people, this is the outcome of lame people, you get lame things, lame blogs, whatever. Yeh, Prabesh and Top were fighting about what to tell Jebu dai and dai was like innocent like huh? Ahaha.
Shit, librarian coming our way, bye!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 8:16 PM
Guess what, today was Maths and I actually did quite well, but anything can happen and who knows, I might have failed, or I might have passed it too! Just hope I did pass. Tomorrow is my Science paper and I so do not know much about Science, so it's a sure fail, but anything can happen, cos' tonight, I am so gonna study like hell. Today, nothing fun downstairs at the court because GWC were like, don't want to play with you. We wer elike, ok. Whatever. Sticky could manage on their ownself. But boy, they did look so sad while playing.(Probably missed us, ya know. Woah. But today we found out some facts about some irritating people. But Kanchan, remember, we are by your side!
Happy Birthday, Santosh the little DON!
Well, so is my brother, little DONS in action!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 9:38 PM
Basketball, basketball, basketball. What cheers me up the most!
I know I have been talking a lot about it, but please remeber that it constantly gives me the joy and sheer happiness of looping holes, but I would have been happier if I could beat GWC. It's just that they are too tall, or you would just see where the chipmunks would have landed, ya know. But who cares, I don't complain, neither do I want to bacause I am so not a sore loser, neither do I complain when I lose. Just accept it! Hey, don't mistake me for someone who loses all the time, ok. You got that, chipmonkey. Ok, if someone hasn't realised, there is a particular peson who keeps showing off his 'suadalam"! If you know who you are, just shut the trap and neither should I reveal you, piteable chipmunk. Haha, poor Jebu, got knocked the ball knocked on his chipmunk head by himself. Haha, he looked so innocent, but no one is as innocent as me!Then Susmita told him to hit his chin up, and he did it, looking innocent. AGAIN. Ahaha. Susmita was laughing like hell, we asked why and she said that it was meant to be a joke. Muahahahaha. Lucky today Munneh and Prabesh no merry-go-round!
Gtg study, Hira and Kanchan waiting for me outside.
Happy Birthday to my dear Samenta.
Missing you both day by day..
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 9:17 PM
Today, yet another fun day of basketball!!
But someone must have cast an evil eye on me because I kept bumping into people and Kanchan's hand hit my eyeballs. And Prabesh was like BLEEDING! BLEEDING! BLEEDING! I was like where, you blind people! Are you color blind?! Or you basically saw my pimples and the reflection of the light blah blah blah as what I call scientificaly. But the best part was when Munneh and Prabesh got a free merry-go-round from me, VALUE DEAL! Oh, Manjil fell again, it was either Kanchan or Susmita who did it, not me. This innocence, is brilliant! Prabesh, you probably thought your sweat would drive me away, but no, I touch liquid everyday, I even have it inside my body! Hmm, and I just wander who was the one who told me I can't goal the ball but I did it safe and clean, the guy with the spiked hair, Mr Sen, Take THAT!!! On my way to the water cooler, I nearly fell down but gravity was opposite that day and I went straight up again. Woohoo. Actually, we wanted to reach first before GWC drank all the cold water up so Jenny an I reached the water cooler, so did Prabesh, but he took the one whci had room temperature water and he was looking so pitieable. Haha, ok no offence, Prabesh!
Yeh, all I have to say is Jai Sticky and GWC!
Friday, August 7, 2009 @ 9:38 PM

Today was like... NATIONAL DAY!!! But no, we did not dress up in red, and boy, it was fun!! I was late for school in the morning,(as usual) and I got a good scolding from Mdm Santhi and I was pissed off, not with her, but it with myself. I mean it was my big day and I was actually late! Actually on time but no time to rehearse, so we rehearsed one more time. First Yock Yen the mc said whatever she was ssupposed to, but I was so not listening as I was freaking out. Malay pledge? In front of the whole school?! After chinese by Rachael and Rinitha, then the Tamil by Angeline and Sherin, malay by Esther and myself, and the english pledge by Kesinee the old hag and Hong mei. It was a success except that we were quite soft. After that, we had a carnival and we ate ate ate and put henn but it was smudged by lord knows who. Then came the fun part. We were backstage but mc Yock Yen and I and a few it ppl were singing the ex s pore songs and we were so happy and I took videos. Then I went back in the backstage and of course, as usual, all the monkeys were playing like hell even though we were like BACKSTAGE. We like played sepak Tekraw with a shuttlecock. Like wth. Then, it was our turn to perform, just to say the recollection thingy like: There was a time, not long ago, when other flags flew in S pore. Ok, whatever, you thought I would recite everything to you, dream on. Go research your ownself if your so free to read this blog. Joking, joking. Later I scared you spam me sia, whoever you are. The performance was like a disaster because the my friends were like so... ssoft and neither could I hear them speaking, so Jordi and I screamed our head off. Then everyone cheered, luckily, and not jeered, or not, I swear, I would have been so disappointed but I am still not satisfied with myself as I have not done that well. We ate at KFC and tagged home with Aerie till the bus. Then went tuition but I did not even touch my pencil and when I finally picked it up, the teacher told me that we had to go home as she had something on. I was like, Why did I even come?I then palyed basketball downstairs and Munna kept making fun of us due to the height and I was super pissed off. But I don't vare that much because he is a piss-er wat. Haha, no offence to Sahim!
Ok, whatever.
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 7:03 PM
Oh, I think Ernest's birthday was like last week, but too bad, he said he wanted a present, but I do not have the money so, he can wait for another bloody week. Or longer. Mymom rocks but she sometimes gets on to my nerves easily and I am not the type who can keep anger to my control. So, I shouted at her, just realised how hurt she could be, but mom, I need FUN too you know, BITCH! But I don't really mean it. Ok, watever
@ 6:57 PM
Yesterday was Girls Club buffet. Like finally la. They dunnoe how many times postponed already. SIAO. And by the look of the pathetic state of our party, I knew that the Boys Club party was SO much more better. The serving was pathetic. But who cares. Boys had no dancing but we had plenty of dancing and singing on the streets after the party ended. I mean who cares if your school is next day? The most you get is DETENTION what. And I got a freaking gold medal which I bet its so fake cos it was boy, LIGHT! No brains or what. the least they could do was to make it heavier so as not to make it so obvious that it's FAKE. Ok, whatever, the 'CUSTARDS' only gave me the blog name after you have made a new blog. Like, might as well not give la. Especially that noob Kesinee!! WALAU. But I very humble give face la. Ok, my mom is like so I-R-R-I-T-A-T-I-N-G. She doesn't even let me go down. I tell you ah, like that mihgt as well die of fats la. MusT control VULGARITIES!! Haha, I can still remember Pandu fell on top of Dilen I think then, peope there kena fall, Top was like travelling!! Haha, anyway yesterday the Top dai was sitting on the skateborad and pushing himself so innocently. Shit, should have taken a picture of him. Haha, ok, I am not that bad. Woah!! GWC and Sticky!! HAHA. Cool gangs! Aha. I mean, duh, we are I mean we are, we are COOOOOL!!