Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 12:50 PM
Susmita will be back today from Thailand. What did she buy for me? YEAHEY!
Yesterday had pauna and then, went to badmonton hall in slippers. Luckily, the PT uncle never caught me. Played badminton with an uncle. Walau, heard he Nepal's champion junior badminton player. Horeeb.
Then, later had to go shopping and went to Kantipur restaurant. Manz, Madan! You missed your favourite dance.
Some guests pointing fingers at performers.
Me, captivated by the performance. Kids playing in background.
Came home. Today, not going to sleep. Gonna stay up all night.
Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Today, went to badminton hall. Played with DP, who is apparently sitting next to me. DP: HELLOS! xD Played with Zulu and Pamel bhai. He can play really well, thoughs! Top blamed me when he missed the sepak ball. WTH.
Top: Hhair tah! Tero FAULT! (See la! Your fault!)
Me: Lame shit.( Muttering under my breath.) Point ring finger at him/
(Top returns the finger back after showing shocked face.)
Currently, Top is disturbing me with his '=-=' face on msn. Geez.
Went to DP's house to cook french toast with Indu. We fighted, played, watched tv and etc. Cooked more. Then, went down to write message on khata for Manika cos she going pension. Borrowed Munna's guitar for a while and played with other friends. Returned it to him, but before that, asked him if I could take it home for a while. His face changed from smile to -.-' I was like, fine fine. Take it. Returned home and watched Cruel Temptation. Helped MaMaMia with housework and sneaked doen for a while. Played the skateboard for a while. Indu fell right on her butt. I rushed home. MaMaMia told me to go Chai Canteen to buy some things since canteen was closed.
Went with Kanchan. Apparently, Chai canteen was closed too. Heard from Kanchan ps caught them playing skateboard. Oh geez, Nosey Parkers. Haha, 100 points, Jebu Dai! You really turned the PS around! WOOHOO! Blog ended abruptly.
Labels: Geez
Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 5:18 PM
Wanna thank OAC seniors and pioneers for making the training camp this year less tougher than their training camp. Camp was fun! But something happened, confidential. Freezed at nights. Susmita clutching me at night like bolster for warmth, some went Thailand. I returned home, going Nepal anyways. Met Bethia at Joo Seng for breakfast.Yesterday, at badminton hall, some teasers teased. Samita screamed. I chilled and just pleaded with them to stop. Later, screamed at the freaking uncle cos he joined in the fun I think, and I got real pissed. Said ghost stories, went home. Supan and I saw the uncle and I stared at him like an enemy aiming her opponent.
Don't care about losers.
Labels: Uncle, ur over aged but you didn't feel the pain my friend went through. Neither did you guys, who teased her.
@ 4:53 PM
Yesterday was tuiton picnic. First, went to Everest Height gate. Had to wait for the 'king', Binayak, whom I think was basically taking his own sweet time. Geez. When we reached there, we ate first and then talked to an old man we saw. Offered him food and he was talking to us. His prnounciation damn ... haha. inside your nipple ah.(nepal) The guys made fun and I was laughing like siao.
Then, played in water for a while. The jetty was so far away, so we saw a big rock and jumped from there. Milan jumped first, then Prabesh Rai followed by me. Dunno why Binayak didn't jump. One of my leg landed on the rock like what the hell. My face got tanned like hell. They kinda buried my whole body excluding my face with sand. Who kept throwing sand at my face. Haiss, no life.
I went to the toilet to bathe but dunno why one macha girl look at me for what. WTH! Washed hair like, 7 times? Too much sand thanks to Prabesh Rai. Played bicycle double with Drishti sice Sabita was having a headache.We returned bicycle and we went to eat barbacue. Tried sleeping for a while but Sujta kept pestering me to follow her to the toilet. Prabesh Rai appaered out of nowhere and said I was a bad friend etc. Bullcrap. At last, I threw in the towel, but she said she dun't want go already. Why didn't she shut up in the first place? Haiss.
Ate, ate, ate. Followed Iesha to toilet. Iesha and I compared shorts for what apparent reason, I also dunno. Took lots of photos. Went in bus. Iesha and I busy singing.
Went to Drishti's house and talked to Manika and her sister. Bishan was singing while Ankhit and Kevin were playing guitar. Haha, Kevin's phone had an application on phone and he asked a confidential question. Laughed out loud, nearly.After that, mum called me home. Mum went out and I ran again. Ankhit and Kevin were doing MJ moves while Bishan dunno what he doing. Drishti and I were breaking a plastic into lots of pieces.Dd screamed at us. They ran at the staircase while I went home engulfed in fear. Luckily dad didn't punish me. Thanks, daddy pops! Went to sleep with storybooks lying around my bed, and my bolster tossed across the room. Must have been playing baseball while sleepwalking. Geez.
Played badminton with DP at badminton hall after some volleyball-ing around. All for now.
Labels: and an enemy behind. BITCH., dun't act like a friend in front
Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 3:54 PM
AWW, MAN! Just look at them! 
Gives me satisfaction! HAHA! Rock on!
Oh, saw this really cool pair of shoes and I fell in love with it instantly. Hope my MaMaMia agrees to buy it for me. Yearning for it everyday. I think it like costs $49.99? Think it's quite exoensive but it does meet my budget and just look at the other shoes around you. Costs more than a hundred bucks! Yaw're crazy if you buy them .YEAHEY! Joking.
Friday, November 20, 2009 @ 9:49 PM
There is a spammer in Kanchan's blog. So if you want to scold, go to There are a whole lot of us scolding the person. Thanks to GWC dais haru pani, for helping us scold. HAHA! Really, that girl acted pro, then now, she not replying! HAHA. L-LOSER!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Today had pauna. Talked to the didi. Came back home and whatever shitty things you would do at home, I did it. Tomorrow, promised Bethia to go and karaoke with her. Lame. =.=' Was downstairs just now and dunno why but my brother seemed quite attraced to Prabesh. Woah, 10 points, bro. He kept hitting Prabesh too. Dunno why. And Top was trying to carry him but he kept running away. Prabesh and Top asked why I had such a petty face.
Cos I came across the lamest incident in history. One boy, he add me, so long liao. Suddenly, today, had to talk and anyhow scold me, scold him back but he very stubborn. Who cares. Fight Fight Fight. Mother fcking cb asshole. Go and die la. you.
Burn in hell.
Labels: After the fcking incident, it's a confirmation there ARE people who hate me. who cares. I dunt care if they like me or they dunt, their own problem. cos i am who i want to be.
@ 6:39 PM
Today, was currently playing badminton doubles with my homie, Susmita as my partner, and the opponents, the girls from St. Anthony! Boy, they're really hardcore. But of course, 'Her Majesty, Kanchan came and forced the racket out of my grasp and it landed on hers. OUFF. Then I was staring at her while she was laughing. Double OUFF. Prabesh was like, eh, Krisma, kena kicked isit? Then I heaved a sigh and gave a nod. Then they all welcomed me to play basketball. As usual, Top fought with me, but it's really fun. And Top, a big THANKS to you for entertaining me, though sometimes I get pretty fed up. Played 'ABC' with Dilen Dai and I kinda dropped. Thanks to him for giving motivational spirit by clapping for me when I managed to goal. Haiss, me pathetic. Uh oh! I completely forgot about asking the racket from auntie! Sorreh, Prabesh. Brought brother from school and Prabesh wanted to challenge who could slide the furthest. WTH. Dunnoe who won cos' he claimed that I lost? Was gonna try one more time when suddenly Dr Seuss Manjil Thapa's shoe came flying in front of me. Woah, I think his legs are smaller than mine. WTH. Came home and slept for a while. Nothing better to do anyways.Today, Saahil went pension. Haiss, hope he does well in life. Bye Bye, Saahil!Labels: One question: Did Munna go Nepal too?
Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 9:20 PM
There are an infinite questions popping in my mind. Many things I feel will be and have to be kept unrevealed. I feel like the people around me are starting to feel real annoyed and are trying to repel me. And it's not really a very pleasant feeling, if you would ask me. I feel like I am getting more rude. And I asked one of the people whom I have thought I was very rude and not at all nice to. He just said he didn't see any difference, but I'm scared the people around me will soon grow tired of me, hate me, spite me, and all things that a friend will hate to see the other friend to to oneself. I thought friends will be for life. What a person hates the most to see is that one of a friend actually hated him/her. Please, somebody tell me nothing of that sort is going to happen. Ouff. Some tips for Prabesh Ale: - Anger leads you nowhere.
- True, anger is an energy, but it is unwanted.
- Breathe in and out deeply.
- Whenever you get angry, think twice. Look around at the surrounding, just keep quiet, think again and before you speak, think about the future. Have foresight! And if you can't control your mouth, or the mouth is controlling you, just say something less harsh.
- Cut down on vulgarities. Like I am doing right no, cos this munna is pissing me off.
Wish you success though you have little confidence and faith in yourself.
@ 9:03 PM
Going over the sea. Just wondering how many packets of items to buy for my friends in Singapore..
Saturday: Went karate. What to say? One uncle, as usual, picking on me as though he has no life. If only he understood the hardship I always have to go through at karate. If only, he could put himself in my shoes, apparently, he can't.
Don't say I'm bad, Prabesh, but your philosophies are great, and one of the lesson I would like to tell you to look at the bright side of life, and remember that there
WILL be people who appreciate you. GWC, don't forget KSK!
Remember not to get angry too fast, because being angry leads you nowhere. Based on my experience and Hira told me.
Monday: Played badminton. Played volleyball too. My team, Top and Dilen dai with me, against Pandu, Manjil and Indu. Today in tuition, just said a few lines of rap from Nigahiga and everyone was like... PS. Then wanted to jack Prabesh but ended up Jacking myself. He was pretty pissed off today, after having a tip off with someone.
Just hope that I will remember to please everyone with what I buy for them. APPRECIATION!Labels: Long Days are Short.
Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 10:55 PM
The day before yesterday.
Went to gym hall. We first went to PTI officeto borrow a basketball. The uncle replied, 'NO.' Then we went away and we asked the same question again. The uncle replied, 'Don't you understand the meaning of NO?' We went again and asked the question the third time. The uncle was pretty pissed off by the third time, and he stared at us and refused our request again, much to our disappointment. Srijana Paija threatened to complain the uncle to her father. Ranjana banged his door with her leg and we all ran way, with the uncle chasing us, just walking briskly. Jenny and I sat with some innocent party in the gym hall, Nila! while the others ran to other corners. The uncle was still looking a close lookout for the culprits. They came back into the gym hall and we played basketball with Binayak's gang, who claimed to be Boys Over Flowers? -.-' Srijana Paija told me? Boy, I tell you, they played like... pure no amount of energy left. Like it was so hard to summon energy. Just wondering if they ate their lunch that day? Then we played in the rain for a while.
Went to flyer. Took lots of pictures. Brother just sat on the bench of the flyer, saying he was too scared to stand. And he claims to be Superman or something. No Chance. After that, wanted to go KFC but ended up going to the lamest food court ever. The food was cold, the ventilation sucked, there were rats running across the ceiling way, the food was like, EXPENSIVE, the rice was overcooked and other discontents. Suckers.
Today, didn't go to training because I went to flyer and slept late, and I was requested to stay at home. Played badminton at gym hall today and went to karate. Finally had a nice conversation with my karate dudes and so on. Then, played basketball abc with Top, Pandu dai, Susmita and one big brother from GWC. Sorreh, fogot your name! Told Munna, he didn't look like nepali, then Pandu dai say look like Indian. I was like, I didn't say that! No offence, yo. I say like Malay la. Then he okok. Then played with Bay Ewan and Finios. Took them home, DP went home, and just came back. Tmorrow have to wake at 5.30am for yoga my mum signed up for. WTH. Wish me good luck, peeps.
Labels: Munna, Pandu dai, scuba diving, Seoul Garden treat.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 9:55 PM
How flustered I get when people fluster me. And gee, Abhinay, you take jokes lightly, but this? What happened?!
Today, at 2.30 pm, went to badminton court to play badminton for a while. Then at 4, BJ, Indu, Sujita and I kicked the volleyball around. Later, some of us played basketball. People like Asis, Ankhit, Binayak, Suman, wait wait wait, who was the other one? I forgot! Oh, tall man, Kevin!
The girls were Susmita, Sujita, Indu, Drishti, Sabita, Iesha and myself.
P.S: Please pardon me if I missed out anyone's names. This gang played until 6.30 pm ++ but Sujita, Drishti, Iesha and Sabita went to Drishti's house and there came along Kausila and Sasi.
I was really controlling my mouth when that Ankhit and Asis kept calling me Karishma Kapoor and they said I was secretly feeling honoured inside. Oh my god, I just spat. Suddenly, I didn't feel sorry for Ankhit when I poked his right eye. My finger like just went IN, emphasising on the IN. Just kidding. Sorreh, Ankhit!
Susmita and I went for a break to buy something while Susmita treated me and when we returned, the girls lost 30-29. Iwas like WTH. The next team we played with GWC and we lost by a few points due to the lack of our heights. Was challenging cos' they are tall, we are short. COMPARED to them. Top was pretending to be my shadow. Ha, and Prabesh, did you like, get scared? When I was petty or what? Nah, kidding. And thanks Top, for entertaining me with your irritating sounds, for being a shadow some silly things you did. Was in a bad mood. Will blog about it neext time!
To Do List:
Friday, there is Girls Club Meeting at 11am. Wake up early! Remember to wake LuLu too!
To some people who cheered me, Arigaato Gozaimas, Terimah Kasih, Dhanebaat, Shukriya, Kamsamida, whatever whatever. Multi languaged.
Labels: Feeling change fast. Just hope they will change fast, for the better.
Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 1:40 PM
rEMEMBER TO STUDY HARD! Eh, NO NO NO! Remember to play soccer well and be great like your favourite Iker Casillas!
Don't get beaten up in U.S, ok!
Eh, can meet Mr. Barrack Obama sia!
10 points to that!
Like I told you, don't forget me, ever! Even if you become famous, no vanity or bitchness, ok. Or you get one on your stomach!
When I visit you in US, I want you to find a girlfriend ok! But the girl must be shiok one leh! Treat you good one! You also must treat her well. Dun't PANG SEH her. Wish you good luck in that. Do this task and I will consider you a man with real bal*s!
And most of all, be YOURSELF! Which includes your DiDi here! HAHA. I don't care if you older. I am now your big sis! HAHA!
Stay cool, stay happy, stay dumba,(stupid) and always remember got people in Singapore missing you.
Now get your ass out of Singapre before I break down.
Nah, kidding. Jokes aside.
Labels: Like I always say, Separation is only between hearts and not distance.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 8:40 PM
What happened on 1st November:
I had a farewell party, but ended up going to picnic with my other friends. The girls were Anjali, Kanchan, Nila, Susmita and MYSELF. The others were Khagen and his friends. Went there by hired bus. Driver: Sally.
First, we played with sand and all that, then we ate our lunch at 10- 11am. Like wth. Then, I think we went to rent bicycles. Thanks a lot, Bhim, for lending me two bucks to retn since I didn't have much cash on me. WE cycled like mad and I double cycled with Susmita.
They all jumped from the jetty while Nila, Anjali and I were happy to be dry. Barbecued, barbecued. Girls slept for a while Susmita bitch disturbed us with a terrapin the guys found and Kanchan the kind soul said the mother was looking for the terrapin and released it back into the sea. The girls were like taking all the barbecue and later, we too full to eat. Played catching ball with Nila, Anjali and Khangen. Anjali threw it haywire while I threw it in the water and Khagen was stressed and Susmita made it worse by dancing and annoying us.
Oh, during the barbecue was fun too, dancing and having fun with the food and drinks while Susmita were challenging with the boys, who could eat the most barbecue. LOL. And Ambar looked like such a good boy with his hair, and Anjali kept calling him Mama's boy. She pretended to be drunk and said Ambar was scared of her? HAHA!
Luckily reached home before 10 or a lot of us would be partying downstairs, getting kicked out. But the party had some misfortunate events, too.
What happened on November 2: Tuition gang together with Meena DiDi went to watch movie at Bugis. But before that, Sabita, Drishti, Sujita and I went to Bugis, starting at 4 to take neoprints. Dunnoe why we were so excited. We editted till messy, while DP and I. While Suji and Sabita's was really neat. Then oya beya som-ed to see who took the photos first and all that.
Stupid boys delayed and Riya, Iesha and Didi also came late. I forgot but we went to the mini arcade and didi boight the tokens. Thanks, didi. Finally watched Love Happens. First, we were all, EEEEEEEHHHH! But I think the novie was really great. Riya didn't watch. She went KFC with Cliff and Big B. During the movie, nosiy boys, Binayak throwing ice, and I throwing him back, Iesha asking questions, fighting for popcorn, and I, shivering. After hat, went to MacDonalds and we all searched for the Monopoly and searched to see if we won or not. I ate Iesha's french fries, mine, and Sabita's, drank Sujita and Iesha's pepsi, had my own set of McSpicy then apple pie, but Suku gave me Monopoly instant win apple pie and I ate again. Wanted to eat at Bugis street or roti prata but I just went to bus and Iesha and I fell asleep in the bus, listening to songs, full blast. Didi took pics and we all went home after that. Had to go Binayak's house to get things mom left fter shopping with mom and then, saw Suku and Milan. They slept over at his house. Then, I went home, stomach full. Just now, went Squash playing. Tomorrow got PT. HAISS.
Labels: Eat while you can.