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Now that you've started dancing, don't stop the music.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 9:31 PM

To some people who really get flustered becasue of my temper, I am really sorry, I don't know how, but there is
always someone or something inside telling me to get angry and everthing will go your way and so on. But no, it is
not going as what that thing told me would happen. Today, I learnt that it just isn't the way to solve my problems.
What I got to do is to control myself and don't listen to the assholic voice inside me. I just drives me nuttier.
Well, I went to my neighbour's house and some people got mad. I so wanted to share my experiences with them but I
just couldn't bring myself to say it. And the boy kept apologising until the other one forgave him. I just want to
swallow my pride and have an attitude like him. But I can't, because I am a coward. I am no better than a freaking
coward, because I can't bring myself to apologise for the wrong that I have done.
Back from fire after talking with Nisha, Nisha's Dad, and DiDi.
Was nice.

It is better to have neighbors than to have relatives who are far away.

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@ 8:17 PM

Yesterday, went to neighbour's house. They are Americans but got two Nepalese DiDis. Played with the uncle and the didis baseball and badminton. Their house really nice. They have a hare who goes hopping around in the lawn. CUTE.
Today Dai and I fought. Again. But this time is for real. He sounded angry when I asked him to switch off his room lights and this thing happened before. Didn't talk for three days. Gonna happen again. Suddenly so emotional and broke down. Second time in my whole life. Anger does lead you somewhere, somewhere you don't wanna be. And now, I fear that I am gonna lose the bro that stood by me in times of boredom, when others did wrong to me.
Talked to Drishti and that really soothed me. Talked to Guitar Hero too.
Gonna go neighbour's house again for campfire. YIPEE!


Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Today, went to my aunt's house. Ate some light breakfast and talked. We went home. Spent a few minutes at home and MaMaMia had this weird idea of going to KFC so we did, and MaMaMia forced Ayush Dai King of Irritators(WOW.He's got some reputation..) to tag along with us. He couldn't say 'No' to Queen of Debating(Dai would have lost.). Yah, dunno HOW THE HELL six people squeezed inside a taxI, but we did. MaMaMia again had weird ideas like catching a movie before Dai's french class then, shop around, pick Dai up and eat KFC but Pops was like, 'No Way'. He was like frightened that the movie would not end in time, so we headed to KFC. Pepole would have probably thought that King Of Irritators was a bit a nutcase, because when we were in the queue and we were choosing what to eat, he would start to laught to himself. I myself thought he was mad, but I wasn't really scared because he does it all the time but I think a kiddo was, by the look of her face.
After eating, MamaMia was like looking at some rare stones, like those ugly rubies. YEAHEY! But seriously, ever since I watched Barbie, the evil person carries a ruby. Kidding. I just prefer diamonds.
Me: Mom, we are like, waiting for you outside. So are Pops and the rest.
MaMaMia: Let them wait.
Me: WTFish!
Took some stupid snapshots.
Walked, looked for a taxi. Squeezed in again and dropped Dai outside his French School. Was looking at the view outside KFC when I caught sight of two beauty queens- JAANI and NUMA KANDANGWA!!!
Called one of them since calling both would be impractical. Jaani heard me and we both exchanged smiles and wavedbut Numa couldn't see me. Well, after seeing them, I was like, Aww, Man. Couldnt catch a glimpse of Bisan, my poker partner! Well, life sure is unpredictable! Now, at home, using compuer. The damn computer, internet also not working. Doesn't deserve to be called a laptop. Yeahey, bullgoat. That reminds me, I watched the match-Liverpool vs Arsenal. 1-0 at first, Liverpool was winning and I was like, giving a chesire grin when Arshavin that ass had to goal a point and my chesire turned the other way round- erisehc- chesire. LOL. They scored another bloody goal, forgot who. Liverpool lost to Arsenal, 2-1. I was heartbroken. Saw Torres's face. Arsenal's coach's face was looking so proud. I couldn't blame them Someone has to win, someone has to lose and it wasn't his fault Arshavin goaled, he did it for his team. But I am still like, WAAAAHHH!!! Next day, my face turned panda-ish . Had such big eyebags under my eyes. It was scary at first. But I grew out of that fear when time passed, staring at the mirror, shocked.
List of ex GC-ians I have seen in Nepal: Nischal, Samenta, Mita, Anu DiDi, their MaMaMia, their pops, Sandesh Dai , Numa DiDi, Jaani DiDi, Ashmita, Malisa. Erm, really sorreh if I missed out some people.

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@ 11:07 AM

oh, geez. How hard is it when your friends' birthdays happen on the same day. But, I was in Nepal so I went to Nischa's one!
First, my whole family went to her house. OMG. The damn bungalow's decorations really captured my attention, and soon, I was lookng at every inch of the house, making sure not to leave out any extraodinary decorations. We ate, explored, I made fun of the dog which kept barking on and on and on like a machine gun. I wished I COULD SLAP it, but I took pity. YEAHEY. Car ride was bumpy, actually. But Singapore one so smooth I fall asleep. How can say fun? Life is no fun without obstacles. Oh ya, honking in Singpore so rare, but the number of honks a day is equivalent to the number of fur my dog has. They honk at a wall, man. WTFish! I think that they think that the wall will think that it is unsafe and the wall will move away. LAME SHIT. I t will not move for you, man. Why you honking at a wall, for? Nishal told me that if some car would honk. her older sisters would say, 'You do not honk at me, you cheap car losers.' And scold and scold and scold, but in the end, the car would already disappear in the distance. HAHA. Then Nischal was talking to a guy, dunnoe who. Then he ask how big is your house. Binayak's ingeniously genious reply: Bigger than your brain.
Then he say something like how amny storeys, then say three, then Binayak say, your house bigger what. Babai 10 storey and we laughed till our sides ached.
We went out to buy some CDs. Yak rented a lot, but I rented only 2. New Moon and 2012. I saw Sandesh Dai with his friend. Called him but he turned around and didn't realise it was me, so he went back walking with his friend.Think Binayak went home to apply for US visa and then dunno when Sam and I were playing PSP audition then the game boy Barbie and the Pegasus. Horeeb fun. :D
Watched New Moon all the while. Cut cake, took pictures and her grandma laughed out loud, and we laughed cos her laugh was so sudden. Ate, Nischal and I talked all the way to 12.30am in and Maya was asking us to shut up and go to sleep. Nepal. But my Singapore time was like 2.15am. We woke up today, walked, and kaka(uncle) rode me home.


@ 11:04 AM

What'a the freaking date today? Checking my watch, Dec, 4. The day before yesterday, went to Brihasphati or something. It's my cousin, Anisha's boarding chool. They are not even allowed to bring chocolates inside the boarding school?! WTShit. So my cousin's Pops and I decided to sneak the chocolate in. Met Ashmita too. Talked a lot and forgot to talk to Anisha. Aww, mans! Sorreh. T.T
Took pictures together and took Ashmita's solo pictures. Was about to take picture with her when the battery went dead. Good timing ah, assholic camera. It was their tiffin time and they went back. We returned home in taxi. I dunno why, though Nepal's roads are so bumpy, it's really nice! Strange, but I don't think it's strange. Looked for my clip. Just realised it's missng. Yesterday, met Malisa. We went to Bhat Bhateni and we bought a few things there. After that, went to her home, took pictures as memory, and she invited me over on Christmas eve. Her uncle took me home. Oh, the sensation of driving cars so freely and fast. Not like Singapore. Drive 1 km only, need to stop 10 000 times. Yesterday, was about to fight with Ayush dai, the one and only PRO IRRITATER. Then he put blame on me. Was about to fight when Grandma came and chided him. I watched in glee. But he talks back to adults in a playful manner. Very, very naughty. He should learn from me! oH, Ayush+Anisha= Siblings. Horeeb different. Yesterday, Basna, Kriti, Bimod or smth, and me were like playing in the room, pushing each other here and there. Ayush dai came and said:
Ayush: Oi, Krisma come here.
Me: What . I playing la.
Me: Ouff.
Ayush: Auntie ask you come eat momo.
Me: Lame! Later come la
Ayush: Come la! Later that auntie irritate me to keep asking me to call you. IIRITATING. (Pushes me all the way to the kitchen on the boody 3rd floor. Lucky I on 2nd floor.)
Eat, eat, eat. Go back play. Help Saili with homework. Then help Auntie make momo. Wanted to go o nline but realised that the stupid laptop was still not functioning. Yesterday, was letting my anger out by dirtying Ayush's room and locked it. Dad asked me open cos he say close the door only if you re doing something bad. Uff. Today, was in bed when DAMN Ayush the irritator came and pulled the blanket off me. That's how I woke up kinda earlier than before. Woke up at Singapore time: 9.40am. Dai went school. Can use laptop! Everytime pesters me to show him my friends on facebook.
Oh, yesterday, he was laughing for fun like a bad cow with no life. WTFish. He acts petty, turns another side and laughs. Lame acting. Must teach him already. Yesterday, while he was sleeping, caught some hair on his chin and pulled it but he couldn't feel anything. WTHell. Now, Saili and Basna also going school. I'm alone!!!

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@ 10:50 AM

At the airport. Beautiful decorations and high tech machines greeted my eyes when i stepped inside Changi Airport. Oh geez, it's obvious I'm missing Singapore a little too much. I'm acting like I have never seen the airport before. Well, I saw my friends and rushed over to them. Before anyone knew it, we were busy taking pictures since poor Manika was going pension. Aww, man! Then, Manika and I were sliding or dunno what when my leg hit the siuitcase and Pops chided me for being reckless.
Manika: Speak of the devil. Here comes GWC.
Krisma: Haha, were we speaking of them?
Others: T.T'
ChiapChiap gang waved me goodbye and I proceeded to the boarding gate where I met the GWC again.
Prabesh: So long, Krisma! I'll see you after one month!
I told him earlier to keep mum but he didn't listen. Luckily my parents didn't scold me for socialising with boys. Is it a crime? Anyways, GWC people are not chikopehs, man.
Me: Alrights, I will be back with your cap, after one month. See you after 1 month!
Prabesh: Don't care about the cap now la, just enjoy, see you after 1 month! Kritagya, give me a flying kiss!
MaMaMia: Krisma will be back, don't treat her like she is going forever!
Top: (Waves goodbye.)
Krisma: (Waves back goodbye as I think, Mr Muscle. YEAHEY!) Waved at Jebu Dai but he didn't see.
Munna: Bye, stone-face!
Krisma: Uff. Byebye.
Manjil: Don't cry, ah!
Krisma: WTH.
Other waves and noises from GWC.
Stepped inside the aeroplane and some air-stewardesses greeted me with a warm smile. Wanted to say sawadikap but this is Silk Airways and no Thai Airways so I kept mum. Slept, ate. Food was average. No chance. Incompetible with MamMaMia's cooking. Mita agreed with the average part. Finally, the captain signalled that it was time to alight from the plane. I stood up in a flash and as I glanced around, I saw that no one else had stood up. I felt my cheeks flush red. I pretended to dress my clothes in a neater way as they had all slumped to the right side. As I alighted from the plane, the culprit for my merciless headaches, a gust of cold wind greeted me. I looked around and saw a BIG difference. From the planes to the palces to nature. Both were so comparable. Helped an old person to carry his luggage. Saw some people who were trying to get on the escalator. They were like, strange. It's strange when we see other people who are different from us, but it is not strange when we are the stranger ones. Strange, isn't it? My brother's naughtiness had a limit and it was shown: There was a familiar screaming in the distance and before I knew it, people were frantic and started to run towards the voice from all different directions. Staffs, people, etc. My broter's hand got stuck in the roller of the suitcase scanner. Luckily, he escaped back with a hand. Manika and I exchanged numbers, joked with Binayak, etc. So different. I got to get used to it, man. The atmosphere, the type of places. Man. Made friends, already, with the neighbours, etc. Yesterday, arrived. Now it is 1 dec. Singapore time is 12.20 in Singapore while Nepal is 10.05am. Using dai's laptop. Later he realise, what to say, I use it cos his laptop never seems to run ou of battery while mine is like dead right now. Geez, it's not even mine. Yesterday, electricity cut. Talked to few of my friends. Woke up today like, later tehn anyone. My nature, what to do. Talked to AstroBoy. Wanna go rooftop catch some fresh, cold air. There is air coming out of my mouth, visibly.
Abruptly ended. Sorreh, checkyes-romeo.blogspot.com.
Will come back fast.



3E2'11, FTPSS!
KSK <3



Pak Bom Mariana!
Charmaine Y(E)O!


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