Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 3:12 PM
Today is 28 February. I guess you guys didn't realise that this is the third post I did today. Woah, what can you do , man, when you get bored. Anyway, Utshab just farted again and it was freakingy disgusting. It seriously intoxicated my goddamn pepsi. Susmita took some pictures using Binayak's Sony ax500. Woah, a lot of pictures, man. She wanna upload it to facebook. Toot. Binayak laughs as he reads my blog. Not funny ok. Susmita sure has some weird ideas to take pictures of. Bored to death. Guess this McBook will now be passed to you, Homie. (Susmita takes the laptop.) Lol.
Ciao for now.
Oh go watch Docomo Ad on
@ 12:55 PM
At Yak's house using his freaking MAC BOOK! Dammit, a pampered child he is. Someone just farted in the room and Yak just sprayed LYNX. I think it has become worse. Dunno where the hell my sis has disappeared. Susmita taking care of the baby. The baby cries every few minutes like dammit. Ouff, tuition later. What a spoiler. My dad's coming back later. (Like, excitement fills the air) Wonder what he brought me. Haha, Yak saw this post and he is like dunt act pro. Lols, tomorrow camp. Olrites then, later. CIAO!
Back. ZZZZ. I think today is Holi. Happy Holi everyone! Outside, my house, sis and aunt playing with coloured powder outside with other aunties. Muahaha. I laughing like hell. Cos Utshab scolding Susmita, the big sis, that babies cannot laugh. We all laughed like hell.
Hha, Top, what makes you think that I will not upload the photos? Some more, did you lend me the deck yeserday at ECP? NO!!
@ 10:25 AM
Susmita and I arrived to ECP after a taxi ride which costed me damn $15.60. After that, Dope Ale gave a really warm welcome and introduec us to everyone and geez, he also introduced us to the dudes and duedettes we knew. But it's all right. Susmita emo-ing along at the sand when it got dark. I was following her in case she got abducted or something. Gotta protect her since she's got lack of height. :D TEEHEE. Then, Sam Dai and Ale the guardians came along and followed us because Ale was scared we got lost. Ale said that he would not know what to say to our parents if we got kidnapped or abducted or something like that. Then, when we returned, I was slowly lagging behind, too engrossed in my own world with Susma DiDi's proffesional camera. Sam Dai in his AWESOME high-pitched voice: KRISMA! FASTER COME LA! WHY ARE YOU WALKING SO SLOW?!Me: I'm coming! The camera's flash how ah?Then, we went and if Iam not wrong, we talked to some DiDis. Some other DiDis sitting on skateboards. Ale goes there to pull them cos the DiDis request for it. Ale decides to busted them and makes some of them fall. Haha, thanks for the welcoming anyways, Jeban Dai. And woah, you dance good! Manjil in his own world, headphones on and singing like a sadist. Wondering how it links? Well, I believe there were one or two dudes trying to sleep but well, you know it (: No offence to Sharukh Khan, though. Sam Dai and Munna playing the guitar. They are simply awesome. There were like some people singing too. People like NiRmal Dai, Top, Sharukh Khan and some others I think. Most hardworking at the BBQ pit. Pandu Dai Pun! Though singing or battle dancing or guitar-ing, Pandu Dai always BBQ-ing. Guess Manjil is right. Rabin was hardworking too. All of us were! Just that some did more some did less. Just that I didn't see it! Thanks, Dai! Without you, we would be having food poisoning eating charred pieces of pork!(Macha haru save bhayo.) Then, we had dance battle consisting of Sanjit Dai, king of pop and lock, Resham, B-boy, Top, smoe, wait let's ahve a better name, random dancer, Paban dai the shuffler. Let's put our hands together for them! (*CLAP*) Anyways, we laughed a lot, I mean A LOT when they danced. Then we were like, horeeb high at that time cos of all the funny dancing skills. (Videos at Dilen Dai's phone.) The one who had the most and loudest laugh, had to be Bigyan Dai. It was simply funny! Susmita and I started laughing at Bigyan Dai instead of the battle dance. Then went back to laughing at the dance. Then, heated marshmallows where Pandu dai was BBQ-ing and Top, Prati DiDi and I were fighting for space but in the end, DiDi and I in cahoots, fought with Top till he resorted to putting his marshmallows under the grill. He was like, " HAHA SUCKAS! MINE COOKED LIAO!" And I think he thought of shutting his mouth up when he dropped his stick of marshmallows. He screamed in agony like how Juliette screamed when Romeo died, but I guess in a less melodramatic way. Prati DiDi and I laughed out loud. Then, talked, socialised, had a great time, simply. Then, Top, Susmita, Resham and I going to jetty but dunno where Top and Susmita were and retuened. Talke dthen joined the gang. They were telling horeeb ghost stories. I was literally laughing.Munna: Look at her. She laughing as though I telling jokes. I am telling ghost stories ok!Then, we played Big fish small fish, then 0, 0, 7, BANG! AAAHHH! Then the slowest reactor had to drink the vodka mixed with soft drinks. Then Rabin dai sat on the skateboard and he was pushing himself with his hands and clapping.
Manjil: Here comes 2010 Olympic handicapped champion, a little bit more, and YES! HE DID IT!
Rabin dai shows the proud and victorious shot and rolls off the skateboard and lands on the grass. Had so much fun after that. And that's when things started to get a little bit messy. A guy appeared out of nowhere and he started to talk with us, saying that he just fought a lot of wars, fought with the devil, and wanted to convert us to Muslim and all that. Cb, I got pissed when he said that a lot of friends are not true friends. Wow, if only you saw GWC members ok. You will suck your fcking words back. Chi B. We didn't co-operate and he started to vulgarise and Sanjit Dai got angry and both stood. up. About to fight. That guy got scared. They were about to fight. The dais controlled Sanjit dai and dunno which dai in the confusion told us to pack up. Manjil wanted to pass Sanjit the knife we used to cut the BBQ. Ale woke up Hira, Jeban Dai and Prati DiDi were informed by Sumi DiDi I thnk and that guy was stll swearing. Did I hear it wrongly or what, that guy had a knife in his hand? Lol, maybe not. We faster went away from our pit. Boy, all our moods were spoilt abruptly. Went to the bus stop, all in a daze. Whole gang slept except Manjil, Munna, Prashant dai, Midget and I. Midget took pics of everyone sleeping. We dropped at our destination. Some slept at Mustang ko playground, others went home. Susu and I went home. No idea we slept for so long. I woke at 5pm. Watched tv and went down at 6.30. Everyone's face were like =.=. With eyebags. and some were yawning. Should ahve just shut up and went to sleep, right, us LOSERS? Nah kiddang! Anyway, thanks to you GWC dudes and dudettes for making this parteh safe and fun, not minding me and midget. And farewell, Sam Dai, my awesome fav kpop singer. Stay cool, GWC. *Peace*
From left to right, in case you're blind: Krisma the greaat, Sam Dai master of the BBQ parteh and Prabesh, nanny. (He was taking care of us in ECP, like following us in case we got lost.)
So small. DAMN. Blur too. I will try to get the pictures from one of the DiDis.
PS: Editted with the comments Manjil aka Sharukh Khan gave me.
Labels: GWC's acts come in No. 1 when I want to reminisce about something funny.
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 7:11 AM
Sibani DiDi they all gone to Australia this morning.
Geography paper: Manageable.
History test: Not so manageable. Damn it.
Oral: Manageable but guarantee not going to meet my expectations.
After school, Councillor workshop. After that, BBQ PARTEH AT EAST COAST PARK!!! We thought we were lost till I saw Prabesh and everyone were really nice and greeted us. Had SO MUCH FUN. Geez, guess it was the best BBQ party of my life. Haha. Laughed, played guitar, sang, took photos with a proffesional camera. Dunno, there were like 2 or 3 cameras so not sure which belonged to who, fought with Top, looked at the boy battle dance, talked to DiDis, put my legs in water but couldn't jump in jetty cos Top say the current very strong. Damn funny part was when Top did breakdance and praying action. Ras DiDi and I played soccer teaming up against Munna. Paban so polite. Haha, "Eh, want otah?" Took one and I forgot that I hate otah. Ate marshmallows with chocolate. Then, played guitar, learnt from Sam Dai and Resham. Ate, and also realised that GWC members were all very friendly including Bigyan Dai and Jiban Dai whom I was scared of. After that, with other friend talking and talking. Shared jokes. The, proceede dto ghost stories as a whole gang. Some people always got MIA, though. After that, we saw a guy who I thought was Muslim. He was super strange. He said he came from war and he wanted Sanjit to become leader beat the devil or something. Munna's reactions were horeeb cool. Then, suddenly, the guy got pissed cos we never co-operate with him. Sanjit Dai and some other peepos wanted to fight and all but we controlled, dais said we go to hut first. He shouted and we packed and went to the bus stop, swearing, and whatsoever 5.30am in the morning. No jetty. We didn't even sleep in the night. Drank some vod instead. Haiss. We were like, damn, let's just go home. Some of the guys are downstairs sleeping in Mustang playground. Will update photos next time which Susmita and I took photos of the gang sleeping. Muahaha. Will write more later. I am too sleepy for words.Labels: BEST I EVER HAD.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Few things I want to get as soon as possible.1. Nikon D5000.2. A handphone. (Still pondering.)3. Onew's few strands of hair in a bottle in MY possession.4. New albums of Big Bang, 2NE1, B2ST and more.5. Posters of SHINee, Big Bang, 2NE1, 2PM, B2ST, U-Kiss, and ss501.6. New sneakers.7. New clothes.8. Nice, new and top quality bag.9. An Arsenal flag, a BIG one, to put in the middle of my room and say the Arsenal fan pledge I made myself to it everyday. Yeahey. Maybe I could. I always say the National pledge what. Will post the pledge online once I am done with the modifications. With Dinah, another Arsenal fan. Yeah! 
@ 9:32 AM
Yesterday: School as usual until Ms Wylde scolded me from walking 10cm away from my
f*@king table.
It is my leg and I will do whatever I want to do with it. I have one life and I am gonna live it well with no regrets, biatch.After returning to my table, the other fooking thing that happened. GEEZ! CHI BAO.(CB) She told me to stop rolling my eyes at her when my eyes were still. Dude, I think you are getting buri. Tero aama morio kia ho, knn. Tero bao ta cha hola ni. randi. I was told to apologise to her. CHI BAO. Then, I did and also reminded her that I did not roll my damn freaking eyes. How do you do that anyway? Is it the same as rolling a soccer ball? At store, everyone happily screaming and I sleeping cos the night before, only slept at 1am. Woke up, realised I was late for rememdial class. Went up to the classroom thrice. After the first time, went back to store to sleep for another ten minutes. Then, talked to Khaled for a while and complained all the shit. After that, the third time, the 2E1 peepos told me where 2E2 was. I only went to remedial for like a few minutes. Thanks Susu for helping me out man. Susu le bhaneko, mero food poisoning bhaira ma toilet ma vomit gharde thio. Haha. She tell Fishball(Someone in 2E2) that mero diabetes pani cha?! Haha, after that, Susu and I at OAC store. I slept again for a while the others pokered around. Then everyone go, Susu and I watched ghost movie without sound. WTF. kHALED CAME AND ADJUSTED THE SOUND 1 HOUR LATER. WAAAOW. He was asking us faster off. How to go without watching the movie!? He was like," Eh, faster la CB! x2We were like, fine ,BITCH! Went home. Susu at laptop, not the faintest idea maths test the next day. Went to DP's house to study but ended up talking and looking at the dudes playing volleyball downstairs. If I videoed it, sure would have looked over exaggerated. Kevin asked DP press the torchlight button. I did and boy, it sent current down my hand and I threw that bullshit across the room. Was like, screaming. Then, we all had a good laugh. Went to pauna at Aarthi didi's house and saw her newborn baby. Horeeb cute cha. Saw a few matched, realised uncle was a fan of Arsenal too. Peace to you. Went home, studied, and slpet. Just did maths test and I think I just screwed it up. Dammit. Hope it doesn't mean I am not gonna get a new phone. Dammit. Pondering over what song to sing, man. For something. In library like FBI agent secretly usig comp for a reason which would not be accepted- blogging about daily crap. Better be off now, CIAO!Peace on you, on not on those who hate Arsenal. Yeahey. Peace on every dudes in every nooks and corner.
Last farewell.
Labels: the bitch I am scolding., you make life sound bad. You make mine worse. Exaggerating bitch. Not me
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 8:00 AM
Now, in mother tongue. Dammit, ploy, I want your blackberry!!! So boring. Fook, later
Got damn pe. Toot! 2010 seriously fooking sucks like dog shit face. And yo dude,
You don't tell others what to do when you yourself do not know how to follow it.
Go on, bitch around. Haha, ploy, you got some admirers! Haha. Yesterday volleyball rocked! Utshab and me happily awake until 1am. Watching spongebob squarepants, using laptop, talking, watching soccer match after that. So many matches. Uncle told us faster go sleep and we did. After sending dope the last message. Geez, boring , man.
Labels: fall down like the snow.
Monday, February 22, 2010 @ 8:31 PM
Yesterday, volleyball was fun as usual. Prabesh asked me go home study. TOOT. lways fun la, cos of people like me. Yeahey. But today was pretty screwed up. My sis kept irritating me with her damn DIDI! Fook. Chi Bao.(I mean cb in a non vulgar way.) Yeah, Suren, should have heeded yor advice about not throwing watches. Got this one huge creak across my watch. Damn, it might go bonkers any moment. Sorry, watch. Baqck to the irritating part. Got pretty angry and starting rapping some alien languages like cb, phook, and all the other words you could think of. If you think of it, I was pretty over reacting. Gotta learn to get used to it since she is my sis. Yeah, and I think I just poisoned Kevin's mind. Someone who is not as bad as me, never heard any sign of alien language from his mouth before.
Prabesh: Krisma, just relax. Think about all the beautiful scenery and breathe in and out slowly...
Me: Damn, I had to laugh. Thanks anyway, dude.
Ranjana and Krisma's mission to fulfill: I cut Onew's hair while Ranjana cut Tae Min's hair and keep it with us! Haha. Damn, sorreh to all the people who saw the other bad side of me and to Snow White, dude, thanks for the motivation to go on in life in a more relaxing way though I didn't support you just now when Sam Dai called you a handicap. Haha, will try yo support you next time ok! But I am physically handicapped too so you can't expect much outta me dude! Haha, thanks anyway.
And Utshab, brother of midget, nice prank. He jacked some of us homies at home here. Put plain water in pepsi can and gave it to us. Damn, he really jacked us this time round. Haha.
Soreh ani infinite times to Sam Dai. We can't send you to airport. Will be away at camp. Will try to escape from camp to visit you olrite! Geez, gonna miss him, man. Our volleyball referee.
Labels: Like I do.
Sunday, February 21, 2010 @ 5:04 PM
First, you act good in front of me like the'I will always be there for you!' aura,
Second, you talk behind my back.
You two-faced bitch.
If you want a piece of my mind, you got it.
You should ahve said it in the first place.
Just don't wanna show you how limited my patience is.
If you are jealous, admit it,
don't start creaking some lame bullshit-y rumours that don't even fit me,
think they fit you better.
Cos I ain't a bitch like you,
And if you think that I should get out of your life,
why don't you get out of mine?
Don't you have legs too?
I will be happy for you if you did so.
Cos a bitch and I don't go together.
We just don't fit.
Labels: And I bet 10 bucks, you've got the case of cold turkey.
@ 4:22 PM
Mans. Still pondering over which phone to buy. And I am quite certain about buying a nokia product. Yesterday was a HOLY AWESOME day. We were playing volleyball downstairs but I got pretty pissed very fast cos I had something that boys should NOT know. Ahem, please emphasize on the 'not'. Sticky was playing with the other Babai gang and it was damn fun! Then came along GWC and they teamed up with Sticky,(nothing unusual) and the game became more hotter and obviously more fun to watch. As usual, Top was irritating me and I got pissed so, Sorreh, SMOE. And Prabesh, you would want to take back your words about the orange shirt. YOU WOULD WANT TO TAKE BACK YOUR WORDS!!! Oh, and Sasi, yesterday, your aiming rocked. Dunno where you were aiming, but it did hit 'it'! Haha, just kidding. Oh, Suren, you can become 'Laure' already. I give you a pass. After tuition, played volleyball for a short period and came here, currently blogging. Damn, can hear Sasi's voice from here. Tomorrow exams starts. Am I ready? certainly, NOT. Basically, yesterday the game rocked a lot. Was damn fun till the PS( according to some people also known as p**ti suckers) came and drove us away. Damn. Spoiler, spoiler spoiler. At night, Indu and I playing catching with China product and we went upstairs to play soccer but China product kept interrupting and his sis kept scolding. Then, finally could play but DAMN AGAIN! Samyug's mum came and we all ran towards different directions. Susmita came, put the ball outside Samyug's house, and went home. Slept with books on my bed, and our midnight snacks on the table, forgotten. Today, Susmita woke me at 8.30 am to eat breakfast at chai but it was closed , so we went to canteen to buy snacks and I went in my boxers. Ate, then I fell back to sleep and woke at 12.30pm, discovered tuition at 1pm and freshened up, had lunch and went tuition. That is it, my nice schedule. Gonna use for a while and study later. Onew oppa's shcedule might have been a little like this:1: Wake up at 1.20pm, brush teeth, eat lunch,(WHERE'S BREAKFAST?!) go to SHINee meeting about where the concert may be. 3.30pm: Hang out with other SHINee members,(TaeMun, Jyunghun, Key, and MinHo.)5.30pm: Go to studio and practise.6.30pm: Loadsa people coming in to take part in reality shows, like 'Hello Baby'(SO CUTE!!) nd all that.8pm: Eat dinner with SHINee.9pm: Do chores, watch movies, talk with SHINee members.11pm: Go to sleep cos concert starts tomorrow at somewhere in South Korea.PS: The time has been estimated. And all this is fake. I do not know Onew oppa's lifestyle. I wish I did.Labels: My mission is to get something belonging to Onew and keep it with me for life. Hehehe.
Saturday, February 20, 2010 @ 3:24 PM
Watching Hi Baby, a show where the SHINee oppas have to babysit some kids. Yoogeun, a 4 year old kid, around ep 4, he is so damn cute!!! Haha, Onew is scared of babies?! Aww, Onew oppa, I am coming for you, man! Yeahey.
Played soccer outside. Horeeb fun. this video cos among all the funny episodes, this is the funniest.
Gonna watch more of it.
@ 12:34 PM
Dude, it's like 12.35pm now. Not even had breakfast. Wait, I never do. Ok, maybe a few times. Today was such a freaking ass-y day. Was woken at 10am and I hate it, but no choice. Was going for the H1N1 flu shot vaccination. Some people got like seriously messed up due to that shot. Like a girl, she is paralysed but she can still walk- in a peculiar way. Oh, got a call from my dear Nepal peeps! Talked to MaMaMia, MaMaMia's pops, talked to Popsie's MaMaMia and Ayush Dai. Yeah, they congratulated me for doing well for my class tests. Holey, wish I got the marks for my whole year. Life would be holey wonderful. Then, waited in queue, then the people there did something that freaking pissed me off. They said I could not get the shot because my parents did not register my name and told me to come next year. CB! I come for what, wait for so long looking at your shit-headed father is it. Come next month. Then don't want la. But there was an uncle who knew me and he asked the other uncle to shut up and he got my sis and my shot done in less than a minute. But guess what, I think my sis got the 'Above 10 yrs old vaccine shot' and I got injected on my wrong hand. I am left handed and supposed to be injected on the other hand but NO! I got injected on my f**king left hand. My hand feels weird. Nah, was exaggerating. Sorreh to DP who came here but in the end, had to go to tuition alone. And who playing soccer later, say faster la deh. Not gonna wait, looking for a shit-headed face to pass by.
Labels: Let's assasinate.
@ 12:18 AM
Geez, imagine going to KFC everyday. Currently 12.20am and there are some people telling me to sleep. Geez, 18 Feb 10, went to KFC with Muhammad, Syukri and Susmita. Before that, in school library playing poker cards. Isnin, you do not want me to tell the paradise what you did while playing the cards. Geez, hard teaching you guys play. After that stupid game, were like using a bottle to play soccer using dunno whose soft drink bottle down HDB flat. Isnin screaming at Thaksin not to kick he ball but he did and it hit the car so accurately, dammit it. He use the bottle hit Thanksin's head. Sometimes feel sorry for him. Getting bullied. Everyone asleep. Damn. I know that Sam Dai doesn't mind, but I feel like the DiDis mind! Damn, hope there will not be the 'Why are you here' aura. Sorreh to any didis. Csme back from training at 9.45pm.
Krisma: I thought the Indian people there were rapping. (I not racist, ok!)
Susmita named a middle aged woman Madonna, An Indian woman looked like Kumar Drag Queen. And a girl with boys haircut. Scary face. Eyes nearly popped out. We all damn scarewd. Then the fcking stalker called. Again. Didn't answer. Laughing and making jokes at KFC. There was like, two nepali aunties and if they knew we were nepali, then walau, tongues will WAG. Saw Surianty and her friend on way back home. Exams are coming. Watching soccer too much. IF i DON'T DO WELL, DIE.
Will run off. Like falling in front of computer like a total geeksters. Bye dudes.
Labels: 2E2 rocks. Assembly time. Always passing weird messages.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 @ 8:32 PM
Dear diary.
Mood, Fusion of different types.
Typical day in school. Lessons as per normal. Mrs Anna Lim said that our class councillors not good. Just because a councillor forgot to write her name on the freaking piece of homework. Damn, do we look like stupid machines or robots to you? Damn it. We are human beings, just like you, Anna! Geez, and you always talk about losing your things. Chronicles of Mrs Lim when it should be about World War II. After that, had to go to MacRitchie Reservoir for selection hike but we could not go.
Pathetic reason: Guardian, who is currently Susmita's mamamia, is sick, so we wanted to go home and accompany her to clinic. But after telling our seniors our reason, she calls back to us saying that she will fine. Just buy her a waffle. We did. Before that, we had to do a project with Muhamma and Thanksin. Amidst doing it, the guys ran away and one of them said they went to eat at Fork and Spoon. Woah, I think Susmita and I were just below Fork and Spoon looking for Khagen, Ambar and Kanchan, cos they planned to go watch Valentine's Day. We couldn't find them at theatre hall and went to KFC first. Then, Susmita went to look for them and they came to KFC. Then I went to look for Susmita. After coming back, Susmita already at KFC. TOOT it.
Me: People looking at me at the theatre hall. Wondered why. Then I soon discovered I took the disabled people's lift. I was so jacked.
(Kanchan and Khagen laughing like mad.)
Dunno what Ambar and Susmita doing. After that, we changed seats and we called Ragani with us. Sat together. Sorreh, Rag. We talked in Nepalese all along and Ragani got super duper bored. While Ambar was ordering, yeah, I had to help him to order. Well, anyway, they made us laugh. Kanchan, I slap you then you know! Haiss, you dunt talk shit ah! I tell you why tomorrow in school, OK?! Anyway, I realised that Khagen seriously reminds me of my brother who is in Nepal, likes to be sarcastic, likes to joke, tease but good at heart. Haha, they laugh similarly. Long lost brothers?
Ate, made noise, talked, in bus, like kinda pissed off. Dunno why. Then, talked a lot. Made jokes. Went home, changed went down. And had freat time downstairs talking and fighting. Top, the side vocals. Prabesh, dunt be shy hola. As simple question. Haha, joking. i feel the pain! Yeahey. I want to play soccer! Will try to attend your BBQ parteh, Sam dai, a BIG FAREWELL TO YOU! Anyway, thanks to the peepos at KFC who made my day so fun after I had a bad day in school. Nice one, 10 points to you, dudes.
Looking for new phone to buy with Susmita. Gotta help aunt since she sick. Better scatter now, bye peepos!
Labels: and miss HIM. haha., his great friendship, his high pitched voice, his sarcasm, Will miss sam dai
@ 3:40 PM
Hello, felow aliens from Milky Way.
Saw some pretty assholic things that certainly made me boil up in both anger and misery. Fans being beaten up by boy band's managers. F**K OFF, cos not even presidents have the right to hit other people, neither you have. Somebody, you know who, just did a post, the latest one about she being the almighty or something? Well, she is going to lotsa extent to make sure some people get what she want sto say, which are not facts? But yeah, Susmita, thanks homie, for helping me with changing my blogskin. And dude, next time, I will praise you olrites! Not the other way round! Oh damn, saw Sibani DiDi's blog and she looks like Pak Bom! Sorreh, I mean Pak Bom looks like her! Yeah, the part whenthe two guys ran away is true. I'll leave this problem to Susmita, the all brawns, to handle.
And as for now, CIAO!
And good luck, Sasi!
Labels: 1 hour so slow, faster leh. I want to eat KFC liao.
@ 3:30 PM
I'm in school right now, you know why? Cuz' Muhammad Bin Ramli asked us to do the Total Defence Day project. BUT, guess what? THAT LITTLE BITCH AND THAKSIN TOH, RAN OFF! Urghh, WTF. IS THERE NO JUSTICE?! Never mind, tomorrow Susmita will teach them a lesson. Speaking of which, Thank you Susmita for helping with the blogskin, once more. Yes, she does all the blogskin changes, etc. What would I do without her. WHAT WOULD I DO?! You rawk my sawks man! You deserve all the praise.
1 hour from now, i'll be off at KFC. With Kanchan, her *AHEM* , Ambar, Susmita the almighty, and myself. Alrights, later dudes. *ahem*. I Krisma , ROCK.Labels: Susmita is the b2st. i mean best.
Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 10:52 PM
Damn, if only I could individually show you all the faces of the almighty team, ARSENAL. If you hate them, not my problem. OKOKOK! Let's get back to the part of ARSENAL!

Arsenal logo. Francesc Fabregas(Captain) Andrei Arshavin (i love him!striker) William Gallas(Ex-Captain)
Thomas Rosiscky(Dunnoe how spell) Robin Van Persie!!! Alexandre Song!! Arsenal's Gang
Arsenal's cartoon Gang Samir Nasri(love his baby face!)
Well, this is probably one tenth of the members in Arsenal.
Lolas, MaMamMia and I here laughing for no apparent reason talking her younger sister.
Well, some random stuff here about the korean bands I LOVE.

Big Bang




Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 9:41 AM

My boyfriend's band, SHINee.
Currently in library right now. It's Mother Tongue right now. Geez, I guess some of my friends must really be suffering in pain and misery. While I sh

ould keep a nonchalant mind. Just now in Geography class, Dinah and I sitting with each other and we were copying down teacher's work. After that, used rubber band and paper hit people. Mine hit Muhammed and he was like, " Eh, I saw you la. You caught. "
Then next, I wanted to hit Syukri, instead, it U-turned and hit Wei Liang's forehead and I laughed like shit. Was literally ROFLMAO. Seriously, no jokes. Susmita still talking about she got to touch Choi Minho, Tae Min and my ONEW!!! How dare she touch my fiance. She is definitely asking for a good whacking on her buttock! Damn! She could have said Krisma loves Onew! Haiss. What to do.
Aah yah, this one. My fiance.

If Mdm Lily caught me blogging instead of using it for work, damn, hope Onew's charm can mesmerise her and she would let me blog again. Sorry Onew oppa, I couldn't meet you. Curfews are curfews, when it come to my MaMaMia. Hais, or ifI came, I swear, I would have ripped your shirt in half and take it with me!!!

Damn, dreams will be dreams.
Labels: I love him, no doubt. Imma not dreaming., there is no doubt, Though Onew and I are in love just in my dreams