Saturday, February 20, 2010 @ 12:18 AM
Geez, imagine going to KFC everyday. Currently 12.20am and there are some people telling me to sleep. Geez, 18 Feb 10, went to KFC with Muhammad, Syukri and Susmita. Before that, in school library playing poker cards. Isnin, you do not want me to tell the paradise what you did while playing the cards. Geez, hard teaching you guys play. After that stupid game, were like using a bottle to play soccer using dunno whose soft drink bottle down HDB flat. Isnin screaming at Thaksin not to kick he ball but he did and it hit the car so accurately, dammit it. He use the bottle hit Thanksin's head. Sometimes feel sorry for him. Getting bullied. Everyone asleep. Damn. I know that Sam Dai doesn't mind, but I feel like the DiDis mind! Damn, hope there will not be the 'Why are you here' aura. Sorreh to any didis. Csme back from training at 9.45pm.
Krisma: I thought the Indian people there were rapping. (I not racist, ok!)
Susmita named a middle aged woman Madonna, An Indian woman looked like Kumar Drag Queen. And a girl with boys haircut. Scary face. Eyes nearly popped out. We all damn scarewd. Then the fcking stalker called. Again. Didn't answer. Laughing and making jokes at KFC. There was like, two nepali aunties and if they knew we were nepali, then walau, tongues will WAG. Saw Surianty and her friend on way back home. Exams are coming. Watching soccer too much. IF i DON'T DO WELL, DIE.
Will run off. Like falling in front of computer like a total geeksters. Bye dudes.
Labels: 2E2 rocks. Assembly time. Always passing weird messages.