Tuesday, April 27, 2010 @ 4:32 PM
Mid year exams coming up next week. Horeeb, best news I heard in centuries. WTF. Why are they even important. Cruel to my peaceful mind. Hais, doing IPW project solo when it's supposed to be four arses putting their heads and doing it togehter. Well, fcuk it anyways. My fate, what to do. Lucky there is Anjali, Kanchan and Dinah here to keep me company. Well, Anjali has F&N homework due in a couple minutes later but she is like, currently still using Dinah's iPhone. Hais. Well, Susu went home cos she sick. Missed 2 days of school. WOW, exams are near the corner. Wish her good luck too!
@ 4:18 PM
Apparently. on 19th April, Nila's fifteen occured too! Well, I can hear that dumbi laughing outside the library.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NILA CHIEF! Haiss. Well, Nlia. Continue staying a great chief, continue your latiness and lower your strictness. :D Sorreh for the late post. :D
@ 4:01 PM
I can't believe I'm saying this but I forgot to blog about my MaMaMia's birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMAMIA! Which apparently occured on the 16th of April. Well, I del;ayed in giving her the birthday gift too, but wasn't my fault that she was staying in Nepal for two months and only arrived a few days ago. Well, wanna say that my MaMaMia has been a super strong woman, whose mouth never seemed to stop nagging, never failed to spot my mistakes and start making me amend them on the spot, never failed to solve our problems, etc. Responsible is the word, for the daguhter, the word does not even exist. Hias. Well, MaMaMia, happy growing older, buri mou! :D Hiahiahia, you can't blame me when someone elder taught me that, can you. :D
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 7:57 PM
First of all, I would like to wish my friend, Utsub,
BON VOYAGE. Btw, the sentence above does not deserve a smiley face because it ain't. Just great luck that I couldn't repay him favours he had done. He was a great friend to begin with, a fun guy, a great shuffler, etc. Friday, went outing with Binayak, Pratik, Utsub, Susmita, Kanchan, Mina DiDi and her daughter, Perisa. We went to an awesome arcade, won two bears, played basketball, made a shuffling video, I mean Utsub while we were the irritating sides and then, we headed to the movies. Watched Date Night, with Kanchan and I sharing a combo set. Huge popcorn set that was. Combo 3 or something. Ah sheez, whatever. Holy awesome movie excluding all those other parts which were like ouff. Utsub, Kanchan and I playing popcorn fight. Cos I guess we just had too much popcorn to sparew. Went to Binayak' chalet, fooking uncle told us excuses so some headed home. Had to stay over cos of my MaMaMia who insisted to stay over. Sorreh to Utsub, man .Was wearing his headbands and he left it behind. The next morn, wasted 20 bucks to go to Yishun Safra Club thinking there was competition but someone passed us the wrong message. In the end, slacked at Lan Chamber, $1-per hour. Holy CHEAP! Played for 2 hours, Audition while Wattana and Jordi were swearing at me cos I told them I was gonna play BlackShot with them but I played Audition in the end. Kanchan apparently, got addicted and once to go back there. AFTER EXAMS! Today competition, kinda lost. Ouff. Nothing more. Called Utsub in the morn, to wish him etc, and he was sounding kinda sad. etc. Now at home, after screwing a FEW things at karate. Damn it! Tomorrow, school, apparently. WORSE.Labels: ulcers kill.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 9:33 AM
I dunno how many people's birthdays occur on this month, but apparetly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NICK aka PPK!Well, if you can still remmeber, we met at Kesinee's 16th birthday at ECP I think, and I attempted to squash the piece of cake on your face! But apparently failed T.T Well, remember or not, it was great meeting you and the other Zhonghua guys, man. Hahahs, had to say it was fun!Well, hope you enjoy you birthday, 14-4-10!Nothing more now, TOODLES!Labels: thanks kesinee for reminding me abt his birthday LOL
@ 9:25 AM
A TREMENDOUS BIRTHDAY TO MR ALAN LOH!Basically Mr Loh is someone whom you never want to kick out of your life. He is the sunshine! A funny man who never fails to make someone's day and remain so holey patience. No one can stay patient with asstards like us, but you did, Mr Loh. Really makes a difference, this teacher does. But damn, his birthday was yesterday. 13-4-10Some upper sec boys: Happy birthday, Mr loh!Mr Loh: Ah, no presents. Very happy la. (Joking)Thanks for all the things you've done for FTPSS, councillors, OAC and many more.But don't think that we only thank you on your birthdyas olrites! We love you everyday, man! Hhaha, once again, HAPPY BRITHDAY TO THE JOLLY MAN!
@ 8:57 AM
HOLY SHIT.Geography test just took place and I totally screwed it up. Well atleast I think I did. I did a few questions and fell asleep, like other usual exam days. Oh, Kanchan, if you haven't, go check out the song Bigger by Justin Bieber. Well, back to the exam thing. I woke up and did a few questions. Saw that 2/3 of my class were fast asleep while Mdm Preetha's eyes were still as big as puffish. So I went back to sleep. Had one more minute to due but still slept. That Isnin didn't even complete cos he was busy sleeping. The one who said to share answers. Haha, I somemore put textbook between our tables to check out answers during the test but both of us totally forgot about the book. Went without it. DAMNS, telling Kesinee about the test questions to help her later. Will probably go to ecareers.sg to check out which job is suitable for me other than that stupid aerobisc instructor I got from doing a quiz. What a stupid quiz. Quiz, your epic has failed. Labels: You may be happy when you reach the peak of the mountain but remember that you will not recognise anyone from up there Believe me.
Monday, April 12, 2010 @ 1:40 PM
Not for those who think that time should be used efficiently or team FEDEX,( World on time.)
My comedic love life.
You seem so near yet so far away,
Far away with the wind you sway.
Wish you were close to my heart,
and let out a fart.
And with you, have a fresh clean start.
No, but your heart is with someone else,
sounds like warning bells,
to be casted away further and further away from you.
Until I reach the Singapore Zoo.
Yet, the misery is kept within me,
Promised myself not to mention it to anybody.
Meet you, manage to put on a disguised smile,
But I bet anyone can see that Imma sad from a thousand mile.
But thanks to my friends for the support of motivation,
Certainly be in recognition.
For every hapiness,
there is a smile less,
Grief more,
Cos I am an ass whore.
In midst of this 'BEAUTIFUL' poem, my school librarian's antics and strugglings to speak malay has turned to: EPIC FAIL.
But she rocks, so it's olrite. TEEHEE!
PS: This post has not been protected from any STDs and does NOT protect you from any STDs, viewers' condoms are advised. This video has also not been legally been recommended nor proved to be of any advantage, good for health, helpful to education, etc etc etc. Viewers' discretion, is advised.
Obviously, the aboce will make sure that you waste 5 minutes of your life, reading total, absurd shit. Read above, I told you so!
Labels: the world would be a better place without you NOT
@ 1:28 PM
Realised I ahve not blogged for ass long. Damns, yesterday, fell asleep while watching football match with Susu's younger brother, Utshab. Hell yeah, Man-U didn't win! Nice one Blackburn! Bored to the mother frigging core. Just came back from IT lab and I think that even till now, my IT teacher does not freaking know how to apply make-up on her face. Looks like some kinda sprayart on her face. Well, off to blog hopping now. Toodles.
Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 3:48 PM

Though today isn't the exact day, and I was alte in informing. like
Yeah, happy 17th birthday. Continue being awesome and playful, just you rock just hte way you are, dude! Aites, will end here.
Labels: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 @ 9:24 AM
HAHAHAHA, Top's baby photo. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. This one's for you, Top-eh, who hit my head yesterday with a bottle and assumed it will not inflict any pain. Haha, THANKS TOP, so I'm returning it back to you. :D PEACE! HAHAHA.

In school, gonna waste 90 minutes. Tried going to Alena DiDi's blog but some crazy things started poppin gout and so I switched off the main switch, and on again. Oh, well, shitholes, where they belong. Well, people. Top got noobing sabo-ed on his birthday and he is planning to take revenge on mine. Is that possible? Leave the votes in the tagbox. Ty. :D
Yesterday, not that fun la, played hide-and-seek and Jenny, Parisa Junior and I walking around then Junior went home while Jenny and I saw Santos fighting solo with three boy kids, and a girl. encouraged her. ETC, auntie scolded, went home. Haha, sorreh to Madam Lily who just caught us blogging. Hehe!
Labels: Sweet revenge.
Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 8:36 PM
Today was 'Holi'(Holy) AWESOME! I brought water balloons and flour and we all chased Top around. Thought Besh was helping but yeah, he wasn't HAHA! We even had a secret recipe- water, flour, honey, digestive biscuits in a plastic bags and wanted to slam the bag on Top and let it burst but irritating uncles. FISHTARDS.They wanted complain to ps, so we hid in the toilet and had a jolly time taking pictures, and Top came out, the flour and water had made his shirt stick together. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Sorreh Jenny, on behalf of Supan who busted you. Haha, and yeah, Munna. it was more fun than it sounds! Think Kusum Didi and Sushma Didi were like gonna faint looking at our flourness! Ahaha. Supan, Susmita, Parisa and I gave birthday bashes. Susmita and mine were the hardest and saw Top struggling but he went saying, NOOB. And he said watch out. Then came Sarmila's dad whom we jakced him with oreo, the cream replaced with toothpaste and jacked in the face. HAHA! H echased us home but we didn't go home directly, and ps was laughing, reminiscing about the past events. Haha, though, we're troublesome lot, we sure know how to put a smile on their faces.:D
Labels: but you don't seem to know how to put a smile on anyone's face, freaking biatchtard., I sure do
@ 2:01 PM
Damn oh damn, Bigyan dai! Where you off to, so fast! DAMN, couldn't meet you for the finale- emotion talent time! Damn, hope you have great time in Nepal. Always remember that we are here waiting for you guys tehre to return aites! Have fun there, and stay a cool dude! haha.
Please visit the nooblets here in Singapore, olrites!
And see you real soon! :D
Labels: One down few to go.
@ 1:59 PM
Hope you have fun today and bring some bandages with yah, cos 17 bashes from me coming up, ok! Don't chikcen out! Hope you grow faster. Haha, just kidding.
From the girl whom you claim to be- KRISMA, DHUNGA. :DD
@ 1:32 PM
Yeah, this entry was written during classes. Adapted from the diary of Krisma O Rocka.
Currently Lit lesson. Yawning, like it's become an addiction. Popsie-O left for Australia this morning at about 5.50am just now. I wouldn't mind accompanying him there. Monday Blues hit me real hard, tryign to wake up after sending Popsie-O.
5 minutes later.
Just finished doing lit homework in class. Today is the day, we junior councillors wore our ties for the first tiem to school. Everyone were like exaggerating how awesome or how appalling he or she looked in the tie. For me, they found it nerd. And even more nerd when I was reading a book. Reading books make you a bookworm, not a nerd, dammit! Dorks different from bookworms. But in amazement, I believe that some hardcores think that their moods will change if they wear ties. Moods like- somber, elated, random, apethatic, moodless, some even best. No freaking reaction. Sports day was last Friday and 2e2 procured the champion position for volleyball. The magnanimous awesome players- Wattana, Jordi, Jun Quan, Liu Xiao, Shi Hao, Susmita and I. :D Nice one, kidd-iehs.
10 minutes later.
Geography class makes you open your mouth and let out a monotonous sound- YAWN. Talking about some damn landfill. Isnin reminiscing about how he and some others got stuck in quicksand on the Learning Journey trip last year. Today- Smoe's birthday. Told my plan to Munna and Jeban dai about my plan. Use ritaako chapal(slippers) and bash him 17 times. Just thinking about where the hwell he will land after the bashes. Hiahiahia. That's gonna teach you not to mess with me, biatch. Haha. YEAHEY!
Just now in IT lab, damn fun! Should thank Syukri for letting me sit with Dinah. Was basically listening to all the shithole noises that the guys were making. Hais.
Word of the week- charlatan. a person who pretends or claims to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses;
Yeah, Munna. Ain't I a good help.
Labels: Life is slightly improving.
Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 1:25 PM
Kang Hodong- Yoogeun, what's ajussi's(uncle) name?
Yoogeun- Pig ajussi
At the studio, MinHo says hi to the little children and Yoogeun does the same and all laughs. MinHo corrects him and says he is a hyung(elder bro) but Yoogeun insists on calling that kidd-ieh a kid and MinHo corrects him again and YooGeun replies incessantly, "Forget it." And there goes the irritating audience laughing. Haha, then MinHo tires to punish him, but he says Mehrong!( a phrase to replace sticking out the tongue to tease.) Damn cute.
Oh, sports day, some was awesome, some not. We got DQ cos of some wrong instructions that were given to us. We won volleyball champions. Those playing, Jordi, Jun Quan, Susmita, Wattana, Shi Hao, Liu Xiao and me. We also got our councillors ties! WOHOO! All our seniors were behind us and told us not to look back. Behind me was Indra, and when I turned around, he was like, "APRIL FOOL!" I was like, so if it's april's fool, was I supposed to take the tie or not. But he gave it, so I took it. Nice one, Indra Arshavin. or is it Nasri? Was fun. Then, for every 1.2km we ran, we got a wristband and I got five. WOOTS! WTH, some say they could not believe it. Smack ni uh. Anyway, will blog when I have more mood to.
Labels: toodlie