Saturday, May 29, 2010 @ 11:36 PM
Guess what, so are QAlgebra workshop. On Monday.
11 June- CCPS Open House. Why should I even go, man. The last time I went, the staff there showed me their misery face. GEEZ. Planning to see some bitches that were 'BIG' during primary school time.
31 May- Shalika' birthday!
17 June- Khagen's birthday!
18 June- Sticky's birthday!
Damn, who's the little kid crying outside, man. Freaking sound. DAMMIT.
What some things you can do at 12.24am-
1. Facebook
2. Go down.
3. MSN
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Olrite, so Imma back from PTM(Parent-teacher meeting) with family excluding sis and including Kanchan. Still in my school uniform. Well, we had school first. Then, went interchange buy some staff for councillor duty. Borrowed Sarah's tie and Mariana's court shoes and her collar pin. THANKS PEEPS! What a bad day. Left the things at home. Nearly left my file which I finally FOUND AT HOME in the bus. Lucky the uncle help. THANKS, UNCLE! At school, telling my friends about two period mother tongue cos it's free period for us, non mother tongue students. TEEHEE. With Hira listening to her iPod. Then had to see some dumb maths application about pythogeras theorem or something. Read a wacky joke book which said, 'A man liked a wonman and sent her 700 mails from 1974 to 1976 until the woman fell in love with the postman who delievered the mails.'
LOL. After school, had to wear a thick blazer, court high heels and all neat from 6-9pm. Was kinda boring but had a nice talk in midst of duties with Kanchan, Azreen, Dilys, Amanda, Isnin, Jolen, Edgar and Benjamin. Well, Edgar and Benjamin are two little brats, Sec 1s. Helpful in an irritating way. Thanks guys, anyway. Hahs. On way to interchange.
Isnin- Not scared go home only two girls ah?
Azreen&Isnin- Got Azreen, got Isnin never mind right!
Me- More like, WE have to protect them later.
Well, basically, you have to know your enemy's weakness so that girls can help themselves. At interchange drinkng bubbletea, met mah family and went home by taxi. In taxi, gave nicknames to Mdm Chang and Mrs Tan. Mrs Tan is Mrs Glum while Mdm Chang is Mdm Stocking cos she wears stockings alotta times. Parents still dunno their real names. HIAHIAHIA.Luckily parents didn't scold so much. I will do better! Thanks MaMaMia and Popsie-O. CIAO for now.
Labels: Hey Haslina, more like PAIN apple. HAHA. Thanks for amking me laugh. HAHA.
Monday, May 24, 2010 @ 11:41 PM
THE A - Z QNS :)
A-Available?- DUH, No.
B-Bestfriend?- KSK, STICKY, DP, MORE.
C-Crush.- Guess.
D-Dad's name .- What has my dada gotta dowith this? Scoot off with 14076.
E-Easiest person to talk to .- Hard to say.
F-Favourite band.- Big Bang, 2NE1, more
G-Gummy bears or worms?- Bears.
H-Hometown.- KTM, Nepal.
I-Instruments .- Dunno leh.
K-Kids.-Shutup about that when I ain't even got a bf to begin with.
L-Longest car ride .- Ain't dumb to time myself how long trips are. That's hilarious and dumb.
M-Milk flavour.- ?
N-Number of siblings .- 2
O-One wish . - Liar. Genie said 3.
P-Phobias. - So many hola
Q-Favourite quote. - 'Pure'
R-Reason to smile . - Surviving even though of the few setbacks in life.
S-Song you last heard .- Knock you down- Keri Hilson ft Kanye West & Ne-Yo
T-Time you woke up . - 6am. Ain't got a choice.
U-Unknown fact about me. - Not a stone?
V-Vegetables. - Poe-tay-toe .
W-worst habit? - Biting nails.
X-Xrays you have had. - 2. When I was in a uterus and another when I fractured my elbow.
Y-Your favourite food.- Am I supposed to list it all down? SIAO.
Z-Zodiac sign. Ratouille, to be exact, Rat.
It's gonna be midnight soon. Passed it off to mamamia saying I had a history essay on the Biography of Alexander Graham Bells. TEEHEE. CIAO for now. Oh, won basketball match against Whitley and Balestier Hill Sec. WE ARE THE CHAMPION. LOL.
@ 9:39 AM
Wait. Before I live this cracking shithole, I just wanna know if iPhone or Blackberry seems more considerable. Geez, but I like iPhone. Guess my dad talks shit like iPhone are only for adults. Lame shit. Dinah nor Dr Martin, they ain't adults. Anyways, yeah, secretly in cahoots with aunt to buy iPhone. Cos after I buy it, my parents ain't got to do anything. They can't. Watch out MaMaMia and Pops.
And 2E2, from NigaHiga to Annoying Orange? How annoyingly lamely funny can we get.
Sticky, KSK, 2E2, Kanchan, FTPPS, please confirm the outings with me as fast as possible, man. Hopefully MaMaMia let's me go.
Oh, btw, thanks Imposter Dad, for surging me with the motivation and advice I really needed when I was in a world where I could only see doubt. Guess I should.
Yup, and talking to Ayush bro, it does make me feel better. Since when was it I got to fight with him. DAYAM.
Save your pleas for tomorrow. Hopefully things will get better. Time heals wounds.Labels: HAPPY. COS YOU KNOW WHY GUESS IT
@ 9:18 AM
Thanks, Shahim Sen a.k.a Dr Martin for curing my incurable stm. Well, I can't say it's cured but I can say that it has improved for the better. Haha. Don't know how it even got cured. Well, yet another day in school lab. Since today is the first lesson of Home Econs. Nice one to Wattna. Guess he didn't know that when Ms Chang said no violence, she meant Counter Strike as well. And I didn't know that no music applied to shuffling songs. Weell, I kinda forgot. Such a boring day. Nothing much happened except hearing Ambar whine about his injuries in the SBS bus. Hahahs. Came to school, had to sign a paper to confirm about my Mid Year results. FAIL. Well, art, I managed to pass it overall. But still, failed 3. Pathetic. Mid Year has determined me to push harder for FCUKING End Of Year. Geez, nothing much happening in reality now. Just thinking about when something out of the ODINARY might just happen. All I have to do now is to fantasise.
CIAO for now.
Binayak is so decisive dunnoe how much more decisive he could get. His FREAKINGLY ABSURD QUOTE WHICH MADE ME LAUGH LIKE A FREAKING MORON IN BOXERS- When God gives you lemons, find a new God. HAHAHAHA! Well, God told me that he would do better. Give you annoying oranges instead. TEEHEE!
Friday, May 21, 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Apparently, things had been going all well for me till my Mid Year results and my goddamn handphone bill came. A huge wave of FREAKING black mood just washed away all the big blots of happiness I could finally feel. Geez, as Ashish Thapa says, " Life is like this, hard to accept it sometimes." Like yeah, so true. Currently, talking to Nischal and I miss that idiot. Talking about some stupid stuff which I am afraid has to stay confidential. Well, today, while playing volleyball, saw Zil fall and I think he has a cut or something, hopefully, it has nothing to do with the dimple on the chin? YEAHEY! Well, hopefully, no injuries! Mooons said that there was good news and bad news. The good news was that there was no bad news. Wow.
Failed Geography by three marks, failed art by 1 mark. WHAT THE HOLY FUCK FUCK FUCK. (Sorreh, Mooons. I know you can't bear the three words.) Failed history by 7 marks, and finally, failed Maths by 18 marks, which is not surprising at all. I am such a failure. Everything fail, fail fail. Why does all the words I hate start from F? What a freaking coincidence. Well, will be off to do more failing things in life. TODDLI-Os.
Oh, and before some idiots think that I am a pervert or pidephile or something cos my blog contains so many pictures of others, well, accordingly to SOME scientists, they say that looking at pictures are more relaxing for the brain rather than reading. Well, reading is more preferable. LOL, so before any commenta, YOU'RE THE PERVERT.
Crazy due to Mid Year.
Labels: LOL
@ 10:04 PM

Apparently, the pretty girl above is the birthday girl. Well, she used to be hella fun when she was in GC but then, she went pension. Sad to see how many GWC dudes and dudettes are left in GC.
Apparently, I would also like to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my cousin, Anisha Gurung, whose birthday is today too. Hope you girls have an awesome year ahead. Stay well!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 9:00 AM
Allow the morning
sun to
heart when you are
youngAnd let the soft
winds of noons
Cool your
But beware the
death lurks there,
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Arthur RimbaudLabels: Too bad I didn't write this.