Friday, July 30, 2010 @ 3:35 PM
So sorreh for the late wishing, but WOOTS!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEBAN DAI! Yeah, friends, the one who you guys describe as nepali Kim Hyung Joong. Nice description. Well, I do think he had an awesome birthday on 26 July.
And another birthday boy. A very happy birthday to Prabesh Gurung.
19 on the 30th JULY!
And the pillow fight at Binayak's house is still on!
Well, I guess I have seriously no freaking ass life, so I will just move the mouse, click on sign out, click start, then shut down, stand up on my legs, walk to my room, put alarm, lie on bed, close my eyes, fall to sleep and later wake at 4.30pm, pack equipment, use legs to walk, wait for Susu at her house, stare at her wall, then go to Makalu to fetch Dimpal, and get late for training. End.
The blogger icons are such EPICAL FAILURES. The fonts and colours can't be changed at all. GEEZ.
Hopefully later, Gourmet Paradise succeeds in putting a smile on my face.
Btw, I found this awesome dialogue online. It says,
Right now, 100s of people are calling Justin Bieber “Bustin Jieber.” This is known as a “spoonerism,” but why?LOL-ER.
Labels: technology seems so impotent now.
@ 9:14 AM
Oh god. Looking at my school account, I just realsied how many people I let to sign in the computer with my account. Found a wholle lotta crap saved by my classmates. See this strange world. Being too kind is a sin too. Dammit. Hmms, asking Susu countless times to help me with flag-counter. Well, guess she's too busy planning gmaes for LTC(Leadership Training Camp). Which brings me to the topic; Who shall I nominate as a councillor? Hmms, gonna take a whole lotta ass time to figure this one out. Btw, on the way to school. was about to be a bit late. Was at teh drain running, stopped and waited for Kanchan. GG, I slipped on the drain and fell. Strange world again. Instead of slipping while runnin, I slipped when I stopped. What is this, man. I then heard one upper sec guy laughing, and the securtiy guard. Well, I just swore at them and walked past. The wound is still paining. But shall keep quiet.
Back at home, 3.33pm. Gotta go for rock climbing training later. DAMNIT! Saturday, theree's this Olympic torch run or something. Oh, god. I just realised how awesome India's advertisements are. Especially Docomo Ads! Damn, shall have a nap for like 30 minutes.
Labels: Wont be a cheena. YEAHEY exclaimation mrk
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Today, lessons were okay, saw Azreen's new hairstyle. Didn't even recognise him. CCA was fun, we got compliment from teacher and we started singing a birthday song to congratulate ourselves.
Yeah, me and 9 other friends got chosen for the YOG run. WOOHOO! Well, Imma just looking forward to the goodie wbag like a 52! Nila told Susu and I that our CCA grades were failing. =_=' The power of randomness. Played basketball and we owned the other team. YEAH, BABAI gang! GG, then today, my nephew, Ewan's birthday. Well, everything was going fine and a bit fun till I had to read the message about school stuff, for tomorrow's PT. Cos we had to come early to school. My mum pissed me off asking me so many questions. I got pissed off and threw her phone. EFF la SHI BAAL. PUKI MAAK! She pinched me in front of everyone. Left the house. Best, dad came out and questioned me, I told him the reason, he went inside, I went home sobbing a bit, my sister tagged a long so FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG IRRITATINGLY, I shouted at her like a sick donkey. She said she was scared. SHI BAAL! Now at home, planning to relax myself, study for tomorrow's physics test, AND FCUKING OAC PT.
Sorreh Ale dad, couldn't come online. Just can't not in the mood and no time. Sorreh, Ayah.Labels: EFF TO THE YOU TO THE SEE TO THE KAY.
Monday, July 26, 2010 @ 4:42 PM
Friday- Watched Blood Pledge at Cineleisure with Ale, Top and Susu. AWESOME. Thanks to the two for everything. Saturday- New tutor; James. He teaches well! Hmms, he was drinking coffee, and I was staring at the cup about to die of boredom. My eyes got heavier and heavier. Went down to play after that.
Sunday- Went karate after so long. Went Binayak's house for pauna. Wanted pillow fight with him and Prabesh Gurung, but spoiled liao.
Monday- School, urgh. Monday blues. And history remedial.
Let's top this shit up by saying my phone got confiscated too. >:(
Not the type of weekend you want, eh. Mum nags. GG, runnin' off now.
And it feels awesome talking with Sam dai again. :( COME SINGAPORE!
Labels: GG good luck.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 @ 7:30 PM
Can some ice-cream seller come to my house and tell me what to do. I feel so freaking bored. Well, the Ole Ole feast I had at DiDi's house yesterday managed to keep my bored attitude off for a while. Seriously, even going to school seems pointless. Feel so irritatingly tired. *Spins around*
Geez, where did Kanchan go. Every minute that passes by feels so torturous, man. Bought a new organiser book to make myself more organised. Cos I know that asking my friends for homework does not seem at all that professional. The world seems so indolent to me. I see no effort in myself too. Urgh, Maths homework next. I am so surprised at humans. When they've got nothing to do, they complain. When they've got something to do, they complain. I'm not surprised. At all. Hira and I still wondering where the hwell her tutor is at the moment.
Labels: Close my eyes and count to ten. Hideandseek. Then I hate to see disappear
Sunday, July 18, 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Happy birthday, dude!
18, eh! Haha, Good luck in pursuing your dreams, Dr Martin!
Have a great day ahead and look forward to my 18 bashes. *Cracks her knuckles*
Haha, :D
Stay awesome and Mr sunshine like you've always had, okay Ladoo! Haha.
Krisma(Guitar student.)
Labels: Cheerio
Saturday, July 3, 2010 @ 11:25 PM

2 July- CCPS Open House. It wasn't that fun, but the fun part was when I met all my friends and all the changes that they've gone through. It was so exhilarating. Went crazy when I saw Eriel espacially. Haha, met lotsa old faces and I felt like I went back to those days walking in school. Used Riya's DSLR which is so freaking awesome and CAMWHORED! At the carpark. =_=' And thanks Junior, for blanchan-ing us. Hey, a bloody EFF to the icons. They don't even work properly. Nothing is in order. SHIHOLES. Akriti left a comment on fcebook. YEAY! She wrote; Dumsi didi , Bikash dada ,Bunu ,Haziq , Krisma , Kusum , Laxmi , Puchu , Rupa and Soni . Thanks so much for your concern today people . Just need to rest yo . You guys are so awesome . Much loves . Cheers .
I strongly encourage the Kyokushin Karate organisers not to make the venues at such areas cos there was no snacking area at sight, only hawker dosage! Sneaked out to find that efforts were in vain trying to find 7-11. Try starving for 8 hours. It feels awesome. NOT.
@ 10:39 PM
Today. Seemed like any normal day except that I had to go and CHEER AKRITI FOR HER KARATE TOURNAMENT! Well, went to her house forgetting my breakfast at 11.30am. Drank some juice, conversed with her family, etc. Akriti, Suren and I then busy looking for the venue of the bus arrival. Met Bunu didi, Soni didi, Rupa, etc.Dunnoe, kinda forgot how many of us were there at first. In the bus, creaking jokes and then making passers-by think that we were mental and/or jailed, etc. Karate tournament, we reached first then the matches began. We were kinda early. Think that rough calculations showed that nearly all the mathced were won by the Gurkhalis. Nice fight, Khagen and Suren! MUAHAHAHA. Kusum didi, Laxmi didi and Haziq also arrived. Then, came Akriti's match. We all knew she was gonna win the championship. She had already fed that American bitch her dust before. She accidentally punched the American woman on the face quite by accident and was given a warning. She didn't do it on purpose. The woman got angry and she punched Akriti back on the face and she had to go to the hospital. FUCK THAT WOMAN LA, CHI BAI. She got championship anyway. And the little nepali boy who was asking so many questions so I shut his bloody mouth by screaming at him. Damn, we went to the hospital and randomed around. Met this drunk guy who told us that there was a ball nearby and asked us to go play. WWTH, he was talking in malay so we had a translator. No problemo. Ate outside Cheers in the hospital and we went in GC vehicle. Was shocked apparently, when Haziq conversed in nepali. Horip. Akriti was back. WOOHOO! Then, we became crazy in the van again. This time with Akriti, her mum, her dad, driver, Laxmi didi, Soni, Bunu didi, Kusum didi, Puchu didi, Haziq and Rupa. Parted ways and Imma back home. But I learnt a lesson today. Taking revenge determines the loser in you, so I ain't gonna follow that American woman. Boy.
Labels: homie hopin yah olrite yoah